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1. 难度:简单

Hurry up! If we miss      last bus, we’ll have to go home by      taxi

A. the; the       B. the; a

C. the; 不填      D. a; 不填


2. 难度:简单

Look! Here comes Cindy! She is always full of          .

So she is. because she takes a lot of exercise every day.

A. knowledge      B. courage

C. change         D. energy


3. 难度:中等

-Our school is going to hold the          Culture Festival.

-Yes! And we can take part in          activities.

A. Fifth; fifth     B. Five; fifth

C. Fifth; five    D. Five; five


4. 难度:中等

---The picture book doesn’t seem so popular. What about the dictionary?

---Oh, the dictionary _______ well.

A. sells       B. sold

C. is sold     D. was sold


5. 难度:简单

-Jim, is physics difficult to learn in high school?

-Sure. No subject can be learned well          hard work.

A. without        B. from

C. through        D. for


6. 难度:简单

--- Will you please answer the door? It _______ be your sister.

---Sorry, I ________. I'm feeding the rabbit.

A.must;mustn’t  B.will;can’t

C.may;can’t      D.must;needn’t


7. 难度:中等

I could speak      French       Chinese, but luckily I could talk with them in English.

A. both; and    B. neither; nor

C. either; or   D. not only; but also


8. 难度:中等

I think the dictionary must ____. It has his name on it.

A. belong to Nick’s  B. be Nick

C. belong to Nick   D. be long Nick


9. 难度:中等

Susan won't arrive at the airport on time _____ she hurries up.

A. once        B. if

C. or         D. unless


10. 难度:简单

. ---Would you like to come to my house to watch the Voice of China together?


A. Great! I can’t stand it

B. Yes, I’d love to, but I don’t mind it

C. Good idea, but I’m not sure

D. Yes, I’d love to. I can’t wait.


11. 难度:简单

---Could you come back home at four this afternoon?

---_______. I’ll be at an important meeting at that time.

A.I think so      B.It depends on traffic

C.Terribly sorry  D.No problem


12. 难度:简单

--- Let’s plan a surprise party for our class. What’s your idea?

---Why not ______ a short play?

A. get on      B. keep on

C. have on     D. put on


13. 难度:困难

---Hi, Miss Ding. I hear you ______in  America when you were very young!

---But now I’m in Nanjing. And I’ve been _____Chinese food since I moved here.

A. used to living; used to eat

B. is used to live; used to eat

C. is used to living; used to eating

D. used to live; used to eating


14. 难度:简单

--Hello, Jimmy! Long time no see.        ?

---I’ve just bought a new car. It’s great.

A. What about you                B. What’s new

C. How are you                   D. What’s wrong


15. 难度:简单

--Mr. Smith, would you please speak a little more           ?

--Sorry! I thought you could follow me.

A. clearly        B. politely

C. seriously      D. slowly


16. 难度:简单

____he is only 8 years old, he knows more about science than his father.

A. But B. Though

C. So      D. Because


17. 难度:简单

. I’ve never seen ______ match before.

A. such an exciting       B. so an exciting

C. such an excited        D. so an excited


18. 难度:中等

---Excuse me, could you tell me ________ ?

---There is a bank on the second floor. You can make it there.

A. where I can exchange money

B. how I can get to the bank

C. if there’s a bank near here

D. where the bank is


19. 难度:中等

---Could you please tell me how soon Xi Jinping ______ his first visit aboard?

---In about three weeks.

A. pays        B. will pay

C. paid        D. would pay


20. 难度:简单

All of the following are traffic signs except ______.




21. 难度:压轴

Did you feel it was warmer than before?

“There have been twenty-one ___winters in China since 1986,” said scientists. “ ___the past 100 years, as the world temperature has been up by 0.74 °C , the temperature in North China has _____1.4 °C in only 50 years.”

China needs to take quick actions to _____carbon dioxide (二氧化碳) emission (排放) because it’s the main reason for world warming. The good news is that China has seen the importance of going____. China sets the goal of cutting energy use by 20% and pollution emission by 10% in the 11th ____ Plan.

Here is some advice for you.

Wearing used clothes such as your brother’s, sister’s or dad’s old T-shirts means you ___ energy; And don’t forget____ the lights when you leave a room and turn off your television and computer when they are not____! Besides, taking a bus saves a lot of oil every year. Also open a window and try not to use the air conditioner (空调). If necessary, set the temperature ____in summer and lower in winter to save energy; It isn’t good to use paper cups, bags or boxes in our daily life.

1.A.cool      B. hot     C. cold   D. warm

2.A.during    B. for     C. since   D. after

3.A.climbed   B. went   C. arrived   D. got

4.A.increase  B. improve  C. cut    D. break

5.A.yellow    B. green    C. black   D. blue

6.A.Five-Year B. Five--Years C. five years  D. five year

7.A.use     B. find      C. save    D. keep

8.A.to turn on B. to turn off  C. to turn up D. to turn over

9.A.in use  B. on business C. at present  D. for fun

10.A.stronger B. higher  C. taller    D. quicker


22. 难度:压轴

Dear dad,

Happy birthday to you! On this special day, I’d like to talk to you in a special way.

I don’t think I’m good at telling you my thought face to face with you, so I’m       to show my deep love for you. You’re not a rich man        a famous person. But in my heart, you are one of the greatest        in the world. I’m     you. You’re     interested in being famous and rich. You do      things like paying for your phone on time, and working as a worker in your factory. The smile on your face shows you’re pleased with the family. You take good care of my grandparents. You help me with my schoolwork and do some shopping with mom on Sundays.

In the past, I didn’t care     you were with me or not. Now I am sorry to say I didn’t

  you before. But I am thankful for what you have done for me.

I am quite lucky that I have     a great father. And I feel happy that now I can let you know

   I love you. You are successful as a son, a husband, a father and a friend.

Love from,


1.A.writing  B. thinking   C. reading    D. speaking

2.A.and     B. or      C. also     D. as well

3.A.kids    B. adults  C. men    D. women

4.A.worried about  B. proud of   C. afraid of  D. sorry for

5.A.always  B. ever  C. already  D. never

6.A.common B. interesting  C. wonderful   D. popular

7.A.whether B. that  C. what    D. where

8.A.realize  B. regret C. respect D. remind

9.A.too    B. so   C. very   D. such

10.A.how many  B. how much  C. how often  D. how wide


23. 难度:困难


A:Hi,Bill! You’re reading the novel again.

B:Yes, Tom. I ’ll never be tired of it.

A:    1.

B: Three times.Every time I read it,I can learn something new.

A: Really?     2.

B: Charles Dickens.I think he is a great English writer.What about you?

A:  3.    He is also my favorite foreign writer.Please let me have a look at it.

B:OK, here you are! What do you think of this novel?

A:  4.   I haven’t seen a better one for long.Where did you buy it?

B: In the Rose Bookshop.

A:I don’t know where it is.5.

B: N0.Only 10 minutes’ walk from here,next to the People’s Cinema.

A:Oh, I see.I'm going there to get one,too.Thank you!

B:You’re welcome.

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24. 难度:压轴

Last Friday a storm swept through two villages in the New Territories(新界), destroying fourteen homes. Seven others were so badly destroyed that their owners had to leave them, and fifteen others had broken windows or broken roofs. One person was killed, several were badly hurt and taken to hospital, and a number of other people received smaller hurt. Altogether (总共) over two hundred people were homeless after the storm.

A farmer, Mr. Tan, said that the storm began early in the morning and lasted for over an hour.

“I was eating with my wife and children,” he said, “when we heard a loud noise. A few minutes later our house fell down on top of us. We tried our best to climb out but then I saw that one of my children was missing. I went back inside and found him safe but very frightened.”

Mrs. Woo Mei Fong said that her husband had just left for work when she felt that her house was moving. She ran outside at once with her children.

“There was no time to take anything,” she said, “A few minutes later, the roof came down.”

Soldiers helped to take people out of the water area  and  the welfare government brought them food, clothes and some other things.

1.How many homes altogether were destroyed in the storm last Friday?

A. Fourteen. B. Twenty-one

C. Twenty-nine.D. Thirty-six.

2.Where was Mr. Tan when the storm first began?

A. He was in bed.              B. He was at table.

C. He was outside the house.   D. He was on the roof.

3.Mrs. Woo and her family didn’t get hurt because ________.

A. her husband knew there would be a storm

B. they were all outside the house when the storm became worse

C. she felt the house moving and they ran out immediately

D. the welfare department helped her

4.This passage may be from _____________.

A. a guide book      B. an introduction

C. an advertisement   D. a newspaper

5.Which of the following may be the best title for this passage?

A. A Terrible Storm B. A Lucky Woman

C. Good Soldiers D. Clever People


25. 难度:困难


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1. If you want to join the world for Earth Hour you can simply _____.

A. call us on 555-3033 at 3 p.m. Sunday

B. go around the world to 2,000 cities

C. take actions at 8:30 a.m. on 28 Mar. 2013

D. switch off your lights for one hour

2. The final soccer match is _____.

A. at 7 p.m. on Friday

B. at 3 p.m. on Sunday

C. at 3 p.m. on Saturday

D. at 2 p.m. on Monday

3.There is a silk blouse which is ¥ 100 at New Star Mall. You can pay _____ if you want to buy it on Mother’s Day.

A. ¥ 40   B. ¥ 60

C. ¥ 50           D. ¥ 25

4. Which movie star can you see on Saturday night?

A. Wentworth Miller B. Michael Schofield   C. Harry PotterD. Jackie Chan

5. If you are interested in Harry Potter children’s show, you can find more information by _____.

A. visiting us at New Star MallB. calling us on 690-1856

C. calling us on 555-3033D. turning off your lights for one hour


26. 难度:压轴

Mr. John Heppell

House of Commons



Monday  12th March, 2007

Dear Mr. Heppell,

I am Sabrina Akhtar studying in a high school and I’ve noticed that forests are disappearing.

You know, forests are disappearing around the world each year because of many different reasons including farming, tourism, pollution, etc. If we stop doing these things, there will be a good future for people of tomorrow.

Now I’m writing to ask you to help stop forests from disappearing. You can help by getting shops to stop selling paper made from trees and by persuading people not to use tree-free paper (paper not made from trees). This will help forests so much. There are many, many things we can do to help forests. If you would like to know more, please visit http://www. Rainforestweb. Org/.

By changing the little things, we can make a big difference.

If you would like to contact(联系)me, please see the above address or e-mail me at shazadinol @ hotmail.co.uk. Thank you for taking your time in reading this letter.

Yours sincerely,

Sabrina Akhtar

1.The writer of this letter is ______.

A. a studentB. a teacher

C. an officer D. a driver

2.______ is one of the reasons why the forests are disappearing.

A. Rain B. Tourism

C. Planting D. Breathing

3.The writer advises Mr. Heppell to ______.

A. stop shops from using paper any more

B. use paper which is made from tress

C. stop shops selling paper made from trees

D. plant more and more trees in the future

4.How can Mr. Heppell contact the writer? ______.

A. By calling her            B. By interviewing her

C. By visiting her                D. By e-mailing her

5.What’s the purpose of this letter? ______.

A. To know more about Mr. Heppell

B. To make friends with Mr. Heppell

C. To ask Mr. Heppell to teach in the school

D. To ask Mr. Heppell to help protect forests


27. 难度:困难

Chinese writer Mo Yan has won the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature, announced Peter, the Secretary of the Swedish Academy in Stockholm on Thursday. The awarding ceremony will be held on December 10. The winner will win a medal, a personal diploma (证书)and a cash award of 8 million Swedish Kronor (about 1 million U.S. dollars).

Mo Yan was born in 1955 and grew up in Gaomi in Shandong province in eastern China. As a 12-year-old during that very unordinary time, he left school to work, first as a farmer like his parents, later as a worker in a factory. He didn’t begin to study literature or write until he joined the People's Liberation Army in 1976. His first short story was published in 1981. In his writing, Mo Yan draws the readers’ attention to his youthful experiences and the cultures in the province of his birth. His novel Hong Gaoliang Jiazu (1987, in English Red Sorghum 1993), which consists of five stories was successfully filmed in 1987, directed by famous Chinese director Zhang Yimou. In addition to his novels, Mo Yan has published many short stories and essays on many different topics. Dozens of his stories have been translated into English, French , Japanese and many other languages.

Mo Yan not only brings a great shot to the world but also a great joy to China.

1. Mo Yan will go to Stockholm for the ceremony __________.

A. in October ,2012  B.in February ,2013

C. on Dec. 10 2012 D. on Thursday

2.A winner of Nobel Prize is given a medal, a diploma as well as over _____ yuan.

A.8,000,000       B.1,000,000        C.1,800,000       D.6,300,000

3.Mo Yan wins the Nobel Prize in Literature at the age of __________..

A. 57            B. 67              C.47             D.12

4.In the passage the underlined words “dozens of ” may mean ___________.

A. only a few            B. a number of

C. thousands of           D.more than ten

5.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Mo Yan began writing stories in about 1976.

B. Zhang Yimou is a famous actor in China.

C. Mo Yan comes from Shangdong Province, China.

D. Chinese take great pride in Mo Yan’s winning Nobel Prize in Literature


28. 难度:困难


1.Our government has made several laws to p       (保护) teachers.

2.My aunt b_____(带来)me a new book yesterday. I like it very much.

3.Don’t bother. I’m sure I have his email a______(地址).

4.Steven Hawking is one of the greatest scientists a       ( 活着的 ) in the world

5.How I wish I had a pair of w________ ( 翅膀 ) so that I could fly freely in the sky.


29. 难度:压轴

最近,网友自发发起旨在倡导厉行节约,反对浪费的“光盘行动”(clear the plate),引起众多媒体和网友的热烈反响。请根据以下信息,以“My opinion on clearing the plate”为题谈谈自己对这一问题的认识和看法。







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My opinion on clearing the plate








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