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1. 难度:中等

---         you ever           to Shanghai?

----Yes. I went there last month .

A. Had ; gone    B. Have ;gone

C. Have; been    D. Had ; been


2. 难度:中等

---I never drink coffee.     ---             .

A. So do I          B./ So did I

C. Neither did I    D. Neither  do I


3. 难度:中等

The teacher speaks very loudly           all the students can hear her.

A. so that   B. because   C. since     D. when


4. 难度:中等

Playing computer games too much         influences our study         does harm to our health.

A. not only;  but also   B. both; and

C. either ; or          D. neither; nor


5. 难度:中等

---How much did the government donate to build the library?

---About three                yuan.

A. millions        B. million

C. millions of      D.  million  of


6. 难度:中等

----About  75% of the students can go swimming           the rest can`t.

A. or     B. and         C. while      D. so


7. 难度:中等

Chinese         by the largest number of people.

A. is speaking    B. speaks    C. Speaker     D. is spoken


8. 难度:中等

When         Mr. Brown         back?

Sorry, I dont know.

A. does; coming     B. are; coming

C. is; coming       D. is; coming


9. 难度:中等

I cant work out this math problem. Can you tell me         ?

A. how to do it      B. how to do

C. what to do        D. how do it


10. 难度:中等

Tom often makes his brother            but yesterday he was made          by his brother.

A. cry; cry         B.cry; to cry

C. to cry; cry      D. to cry; to cry


11. 难度:中等

He prefers          to         because he wants to be a dancer when he grows up.

A. to dance; sing    B. dancing; singing

C. dance; singing     D. dancing; sing


12. 难度:中等

There will be a stamp show in the museum          we visited last week.

A. who            B. when              C. which            D. what


13. 难度:中等

I          some of my free time playing tennis for my school team.

A. spend           B. cost               C. take              D. pay


14. 难度:中等

Your homework is well done. Just          some small mistakes in it.

A. create          B. connect            C. correct           D. control


15. 难度:中等

Dont worry! I’m sure youll          your classmates if you are kind and friendly to them.

A. catch up with      B. agree with

C. have a word with   D. get along well with


16. 难度:中等


Dear Sally,

I am eager to tell you how I miss you at the moment. I never realized the value if a          until I lost a loved person,         was very dear to me. I didnt consider our friendship precious before and I am very regrettable (后悔) for it. Now the pain still          in the bottom of my heart. Whenever I watch my parents stay closer to one another, all I can          is you. I know I probably didnt tell you how          you were to me as often as possible, but you were the best in my mind. You always had a          on your face that would bring sunshine to everyone. Only a funny joke or a simple word of yours would keep everyone          . From then on, you began to mean a lot to me, Sally. Everyone in our class learned to          things because of you. I think I was so silly that I would misunderstand your kind help at that time. Now you have gone back to your          ----Canada, but I still want to say that I love you and miss you very much,. I am looking forward to          you.

Will you please drop me a line?


Li Ming

1.A. relation        B. friendship      C. union          D. success

2.A. who            B. what           C. which        D. that

3.A. jumps           B. keeps         C. loses          D. relaxes

4.A. think about     B. think of        C. think over     D. think out

5.A. important     B. unimportant     C. silly          D. Unnecessary

6.A. sorrow          B. smile           C. fear         D. fly

7.A. crying          B. laughing        C. sleeping     D. waiting

8.A. share          B. drop            C. export       D. ruin

9.A. city            B. countryside     C. motherland   D. Hometown

10.A. hearing of   B. hearing from    C. meeting      D. watching


17. 难度:中等

When I arrived in the US, I felt very sad because life in the US was different from life in my country. My first day of school was at Takoma Park Middle School in March last year. I was very nervous in that morning and I didn’t want to get up. When I went to my first class, I didn’t know what to do because I didnt know what the teacher said. But there were many people who spoke the same language as me, while some of them were laughing at me, because they came before me and they understood the language better than me.

But there were three girls who helped me. Their names are Maryori, Jezabel and Beverly. As the days passed, I had some new friends and Beverly became my best friend. She always helped me with my study.

Three months later, the school year ended and I had to come to Blair High School. On my first day of school at Blair, I felt it was different from my first day in middle school because it was a beginning of a new school year and there were many new students. I felt better because I knew that I wasnt the only new student.

That day I met new friends. For some of them it was their first time at school in the US, so I tried to help them because I knew how new students feel when they go to a new school.

1.How did the writer feel when he went to school on the first day in the US?

A. A little moved.    B. A little afraid.

C. Very nervous.   D. Very excited.

2. The writer didnt know what to do in his class because            .

A. he didnt understand the teachers words

B. he couldnt see the blackboard clearly

C. no one spoke the same language as him and couldnt help him

D. no one noticed him and told him what he should do

3.Three good girls gave a helping hand to him when he was          .

A. in his own country

B. in Takoma Park Middle School

C. in Blair High School

D. laughed at by some teachers

4.When the writer came to another new school, he felt better because          .

A. he knew the language better than before

B. he knew the customs better than before.

C. he had more friends than before

D. he knew he wasnt the only new student

5.Why did the write try to help his new classmates?

A. Because they came from the same country.

B. Because he knew how new students feel when they go to a new school.

C. Because he wanted to set a good example to others.

D. Because the teachers asked him to do.


18. 难度:中等

You may have heard of the famous saying, East or west, home is the best.

What does the word home mean to you? How do you say the word in French? In Chinese? In your language? Although people usually know what the word means, it sometimes has no exact translation. Its not surprising, because the idea of home is different from country to country and from person to person. A home is more than a roof and four walls. Its the cooking ,eating, talking, playing and sleeping that go on inside. And at home you usually feel safe and relaxed.

Homes look different in different countries. They also have different things inside. For example, in cold northern Europe, theres a fire in the living room or kitchen and all the chairs face it, In the south, where the sun shines a lot and its more important to keep the heat out, there are small windows and cool stone floors.

We asked some people about their homes.

How often do people move house in your country?

In my country many people dont stay in one place for a very long time. They often move every ten years or so.

------Cheryl, Boston, USA

What are the features of homes in your country?

In Britain, even in town, theres always a garden. We have separate bedrooms and living rooms. But we dont often have balconies. The weather isnt warm enough!

------Pat, Exeter, England

1.The word home sometimes has no exact translation because          .

A. people cant find this word in the dictionary

B. no one knows what it is

C. it may have different meaning in different peoples eyes

D. people cant understand each other very well

2.According to the passage, at home, you can do everything except          .

A. making friends      B. cooking and eating

C. playing and talking  D. sleeping and relaxing

3.Why is it important to keep the heat out of houses in the southern Europe?

A. Because they want to breathe fresh air outside.

B. Because there is a fire in the living room.

C. Because they wear heavy clothes all day long.

D. Because the sun there shines a lot.

4.From the third paragraph, what kind of homes have depends on          .

A. whether they are rich or not

B. the climate they have

C. how old they are

D. whether they live in the city or countryside

5.Which one of the following sentences is TRUE?

A. People in Britain seldom have balconies because its so hot outside.

B. Some Americans move house several times during their lifetime.

C. Homes look the same in different countries.

D. Houses in northern Europe have big windows and cool stone floors.


19. 难度:中等


Mr. Greens Special Lecture for Students

Topic: How can we help to protect the environment?

Time: 8:00 am9:30 am, tomorrow, December 22

Place: In the school hall

Attention: Be on time


Our planet is in trouble! Almost every day we seem to hear about problems of the environment------pollution, acid rain, climate change, the destruction of rainforests, and more and more animals and plants are disappearing.

Nowadays, most of us know that humans have caused a lot of these problems. We are very worried about the future of our earth. We must find ways to solve these problems, or the earth will no longer support human life.

Each of us, whatever age we are, can do something to protect the environment. We are all responsible (有责任的) for the environment. What can we do? Come and listen to Mr. Greens lecture tomorrow.

The Students Union

1. How many problems of environment are mentioned in the passage?

A. Three.  B. Four.   C. Five.  D. Six.

2.When will the lecture be?

A. On December 21.     B. On December 22.

C. On December 23.     D. On December 24.

3.How long will be the lecture last?

A. An hour.       B. 90 minutes.

C. Half an hour.   D. 120 minutes.

4. Where will be students go to listen to the lecture?

A. In their classroom.

B. At the gate of their school.

C. In the school hall.

D. On the playground of their school.

5. The passage is probably a(n)         .

A. ad       B. poster    C. report    D. notice


20. 难度:中等

Calvin and Hobbes is an American strip(连环漫画)by Bill Watterson. It tells the everyday life of Calvin, a six-year-old boy, and his tiger Hobbes.

Calvin is a young boy who wants everything and wants it now. He hates doing homework, having baths or cleaning his room. Hobbes is Calvins best friend. However, everybody else only sees Hobbes as an old toy.Susie is a young girl of Calvin`s age . She is Calvin`s classmate, and also his neighbor. She `s a perfect girl: hard-working, serious, mart and calm. But she has to stand Calvin`s father doesn`t have a name. He works as a lawyer in the town. Just like his father.his mother has no name . She`s a housewife whose main job is looking after Calvin . The most difficult things she has to do are putting Calvin to bed and making him take a bath .


1.Calvin and Hobbes is about                            and  his  tiger.

2.Calvin  haves                       , having baths or

3.Susie is Calvin`s                          and                            .

4.                            is Calvin`s best friend .

5.Calvin`s mother`s main job is                            .


21. 难度:中等



relax,   watch,   between .   Can.   Oneself,

spend,   learn,    friend,  dad,   channel

My hobby is watching TV. It becomes an important part of my life. I 1.         two hours a day watching TV. When lying on the sofa and clicking the remote control(遥控器). I feel quite 2.       .Sometimes , I even wish I 3.         be a couch potato(电视迷)  all my life.

I began to watch TV in my childhood, and soon I lost 4.            in it . Because I could keep balance 5.            my hobby and my schoolwork, my parents didn`t insist that I turn off the TV. My favorite6.          is Discovery and my favorite show is about history . I have7.____              many things from it, and it even becomes and affair (事情). That I can share with my 8.           When I feel upset, watching a variety of shows can make my9.             disappear.

I  will keep 10.            .TV and learning things from it. TV is not only a tool to make my life colorful, but also a friend to accompany(陪伴) me by my side.


22. 难度:中等


(A reporter is interviewing a foreign visitor on the Great Wall

A: Excuse me . I`m a reporter from a student magazine.

1.                                             ?

B: Sure ,please .

A: 2.                                                ?

B: I`m from Australia .

A: 3.                                                       ?

B: I came to Beijing three days ago .

A: 4.                                                             ?

B: Yes, just a little.  I began studying Chinese  four months ago.

A: How do you like the Great Wall ?

B: It`s great . I like it very much.

A: Thank you for answering my question. 5.                                  ?

B: Thank you .


23. 难度:中等


你知道中国古代的四大发明吗? 你认为哪项发明是最有用的? 请阐述你的观点并详细介绍 这项发明。 词数80个左右





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