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1. 难度:中等
2. 难度:中等

完形填空 (共15小题,每小题1分, 满分15分)

Santa Can Come before Christmas

It was last June. I went into a supermarket to buy some vegetables,when a young man asked me.

“Can you tell me where the     counter(柜台) is? ”

“Well, the milk is in the lower right corner,” I replied.

Picking up my things,I finally came to the milk counter where I met the same man. He

was     almost 10 bottles of milk in his hand.

I asked,“Do you need a ______?”

“Sure,thank you.” he answered.

I was      he was still picking more bottles and after a few minutes his trolley had 24 bottles of milk.

I laughed and asked, “Why so many bottles?”

He smiled and said, “These are _____ my street dogs. Today I want to     be a Santa for them.”

I said, “Well ,it’s too     for you to be a Santa, It is still June and Christmas comes in   .”

He _    at me for a second, but he left the counter without ____ anything.

    ,we met again at the bread counter.

“So these bread and cakes are also for the street dogs, Mr . Santa.”

He smiled and said, “Yes. These are also for the dogs and I love to be Mr. Santa in the month of June. Santa is a representation(象征) of surprises and    . We always hope Santa comes before      . But in real life there is a Santa in each one of us. He is always ready to help us  at any time, no matter(不管) which month it is. Maybe when you offered a trolley to me, there was a Santa in you. When we     food to a poor man or a(n)     to someone who is caught in the rain ,we are being Santa there. So when you offer help to others or get help from others, just think that Santa has come all the way for you.”

He left and I was    because of meeting him. It was right to understand Santa can come before Christmas. We just need to know he is around us by giving happiness and love to others.

1.A. vegetable      B. milk       C. bread       D. fish

2.A.putting        B. choosing   C. holding    D. bringing

3.A. trolley        B. basket    C. bag        D. box

4.A. sad            B. excited   C. angry      D. surprised

5.A. for            B. to        C. of          D. by

6.A. easy           B. early      C. helpful    D. important

7.A. January        B. November  C. October     D. December

8.A.waited          B. laughed   C. shouted     D. looked

9.A.telling        B. saying    C. talking     D. speaking

10.A. Luckily      B. Suddenly   C. Hopefully  D. Certainly

11.A. love          B. success   C. humour      D. care

12.A. Halloween     B. Thanksgiving Day C. Christmas  D. New Year’s Day

13.A. make         B. buy        C. cook        D. offer

14.A. camera       B. umbrella   C. apple      D. box

15.A. sorry         B. pity       C. happy      D. sad


3. 难度:简单


Dear Tommy 

I'm having a party in my house.

Please come to 403 Spring Road.

Date:Sunday,13th May 

Time:2.00 p.5.00 p.m 



Dear Simon 

Thank you for inviting me to your party.

I'm afraid I can't come,because I'm busy with my work on 13th May.
I hope you will have a great party.




1.The party will begin at      .

A. 5 p.m. on 13th May    B. 2 p.m. on 13th March

C. 2 p.m. on 13th May    D. 5 p.m. on 13th March

2.The party will be in      .

A. Tommy’s home    B. Simon’s house    C. the school    D. the park

3.Which of the following sentences is TRUE?

A. Simon wants Tommy to come to the party.

B. Tommy wants Simon to come to the party.

C. Simon can’t come to the party.

D. Tommy can come to the party.


4. 难度:中等

Why do fires happen? Most of the time, it is because we are not careful enough. So, take a look around your home, find the possible dangers and keep your home safe from fires.


Keep cellphones or radio away from the water. Turn them off when you take bath.


Never use candles in your bedroom, or play with matches or lighters(打火机). No one should smoke in bed. Don’t put clothes or boxes near lights.

Always turn off your computer if you don’t use it. If the wires(电线)are broken, ask your

parents to change them.


Are you learning to cook? Never leave the kitchen while cooking. Keep dry clean clothes away from the stoves(炉子). Always remember to turn off the stove when you finish cooking.

It’s a good idea to put a fire extinguisher(灭火器)in your kitchen. But better to let your parents use it.

Living room

Don’t stay too close to a coal burner(炭火炉). Keep newspapers and books far away from them. Don’t smoke on the sofa.

1.Most of the time, fires happen because      .

A. people are too careful    B. people are not careful

C. people aren’t calm enough    D. people cook too much at home

2.The following things are all very dangerous at home EXCEPT      .

A. candles    B. matches    C. pens    D. lighters

3.If you find the wires in your room are not good,      .

A. ask your parents for help    B. use them before buying new ones

C. change them by yourself    D. call the police for help

4.What is the main idea of the passage.

A. How to use fire at home.

B. How to use the extinguisher.

C. The danger of fire.

D. How to be safe from fire at home.


5. 难度:简单

Once there was a baby eagle (鹰)living in a nest()on a clif(山崖).The baby eagle loved

his nest. It was warm, soft and comfortable. And even better, he had all the food and love that his mother could give. Whenever the baby eagle was hungry, his mother would always come just in time with the delicious food he liked. He was growing happily day after day. But suddenly his world changed. His mother stopped coming to the nest. He was full of sadness and fear. He thought he would die soon. He cried, but nobody heard him.

Two days later his mother appeared with some nice food. The baby eagle was wild with joy. But his mother put the food at the top of the mountain and then looked down at her baby. The baby

eagle cried out. “Mum, why did you do this to me? I’m hungry. Don’t you know I will die if I have nothing to eat?”

“Here is the last meal I give you. Come and get it by yourself,” his mother said. Then she flew down and pushed the baby eagle out of the nest. The baby eagle fell down, faster and faster. He looked up at his mum, “Why do you abandon me?” He looked down at the earth. The ground was much closer. Then something strange happened. The air caught behind his arms and he began to fly! He wasn’t moving to the ground any more. Instead, his eyes were pointed up at the sun.

“You are flying! You can make it!” His mother smiled.

1.How long at least did the mother eagle stop offering her baby eagle nice food?

A. One day.    B. Two days.    C. Three days.    D. Four days.

2.Which of the following is TRUE about the baby eagle’s life before his mother stopped coming to the nest?

A. He lived in a nest in the tree.    B. He lived very happily with friend.

C. He was always cold and hungry.    D. His mother offered him nice food.

3.What does the underlined word “abandon” mean?

A. 抛弃    B. 保护    C. 歧视    D. 拯救

4.We can infer(推断)from the story that      .

A. the baby eagle lost his mother

B. the baby eagle fell down and died

C. the baby eagle could get food himself

D. the baby eagle was still angry with his mother


6. 难度:中等

“Tammy! Come here, please! Mother needs your help in the kitchen.” Her father called out to her.

Tammy was in her room, getting ready to do her homework. “Yes, Daddy!” she replied. “I’ll beright there.”

She hurried out of her bedroom and down the hallway. She was only nine years old. Her elder sister, Ella, had just moved away to go to a performing arts high school in another city. Her brother, Harry, was in middle school and always got home late. With Ella leaving home, Tammy was expected to do a lot more than she had ever done before, especially now, because her mother was ill.

Her father was in the kitchen. “Tammy, I know you usually do your homework right now, but with things being different, we all have to change a little bit. I’ll help you and Harry with your homework later on, OK?”

Her father had an apron(围裙)on over his clothes, and he looked kind of funny. He was doing

the dishes and he always splashed(溅出)water all over when he did that. After helping her father with the dishes, Tammy helped set the table.

After supper, her father helped her and Harry with their homework, and then they played a board game so that their mother could lie down for a while.

The next morning, Tammy got up early on her own because she wanted to help her mother with breakfast. She made orange juice and even put bread in the toaster and got out the butter so

that her mother could sleep for a few more minutes.

When her mother got up half an hour later, she was very surprised and moved to see the breakfast on the dining table. She gave Tammy a big hug.

“Thank you, Tammy. You are really mother’s little helper now, aren’t you?”

1.Why did Tammy’s elder sister move out of their home?

A. Because she disliked doing housework.

B. Because she was busy with her work.

C. Because her school was far away from home.

D. Because she hated to live with her family.

2.What can we learn about Tammy’s father from the passage?

A. He always got home late at night.

B. He was a very serious person.

C. He wasn’t very good at doing housework.

D. He liked playing board games very much.

3.Which is the right order for the things that Tammy did in the story?

Did her homework.      Prepared breakfast.

Played a board game.      Helped with super.

A. ---    B. ---    C. ---    D. ---

4.Which is the best title for this passage?

A. Mother’s Little Helper

B. Tammy’s School Life

C. The Mother with Four Children

D. The Life of Tammy’s Family


7. 难度:困难


76.  假如你是第五中学的一名学生,1 12 日是星期五,天气很好。在放学回家的公共汽 车上,你所经历的一件事让你印象深刻。请根据以下要点用英语写一篇日记。


1. 一位老爷爷和十岁左右的孙子上了车,老人拿着书包和小提琴;

2. 你给老人让座,老人的孙子却坐下来,老人只得站在旁边;

3. 孩子大声喊着向老人要水喝,并将空水瓶扔到车上;

4. 你认为孩子应该尊敬、照顾老人,保持环境卫生。

参考词汇:孙子 grandson      空水瓶 empty bottle      尊敬 respect      保持……干净 keep...clean




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