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仁爱版课时11 八 5&
1. 难度:中等

    No one wakes up feeling happy every day. Very happy people are not different. They never stop trying to be happy.1.

They slow down.

Sometimes we think too much.2. Happy people know how to enjoy the taste of their meal, enjoy the world's colors, even just step outside to enjoy the fresh air.

They exercise.

3.Happy people exercise regularly and follow through on it because they know it will help them get in good mood and stay in good mood.

They spend money on other people.

A research shows that spending money on others makes you much happier than spending it on yourself. This is especially true of small things that show effort, such as going out of your way to buy your friend a book that you know he or she will like.

They get enough sleep.

4. Your energy, attention and memory all go down when you don't sleep well. Happy people make sleep a first thing of all.

They have deep conversations.

Happy people know that happiness and depth go hand­in­hand. They avoid saying mean things about people.5.5. They talk with others on a deeper level because they know doing it feels good and is an interesting way to learn.

A.We don't have time to look around.

B.Here are some of the habits of happy people.

C.Instead, they focus on meaningful relationships.

D.When you sleep, your brain restarts and cleans itself.

E.Getting your body moving for as little as 10 minutes can make you happy.


2. 难度:中等

    There once was a wise man who was very respected for his wisdom . This great man was called the Wise Circle Maker. His people _______ that he had special powers to make it rain.

He would make a big circle in the dirt and stand inside of it. There, he_______ with God and asked for things needed by the people. Everyone listened to his _______.

But the Wise Circle Maker did not know_______ about life. Often, when he saw things that he did not understand, he would ask questions, hoping to find the _______.

One day, he was walking in the_______ and noticed a man planting a fruit tree. He asked the man, “_______ will your tree bear fruit? How long will it take?”

The man said that it would take 70 years for fruit to come to the tree.

“And how old are you now?”asked the Wise Circle Maker.

“I am______ 50 years old,” said the man.

The Wise Circle asked _______ he could live to taste the fruit from this tree. “I will not live another 70 years, ______ the man. “I am already _______ and will never taste the fruit from this tree I plant. But when I was born, I saw many fruit trees like this planted _______ my father, and his father, and his father's father. And I ate the fruit from those trees.

“This tree is for my children, my grandchildren and for their children too. They will taste the fruit of this tree. That is why I am planting it. Not for me, ________ for them.”

The Wise Circle Maker was________. He could easily see the meaning. He walked away with content, _______ that he still had much to learn about life.

1.A.expected B.believed C.counted D.remained

2.A.spoke B.argued C.played D.fought

3.A.complaint B.dream C.advice D.voice

4.A.everything B.something C.anything D.nothing

5.A.promises B.reasons C.directions D.answers

6.A.market B.factory C.countryside D.hospital

7.A.When B.Why C.How D.Where

8.A.almost B.even C.also D.anyway

9.A.that B.if C.which D.what

10.A.called B.cried C.shouted D.replied

11.A.handsome B.beautiful C.young D.old

12.A.by B.for C.from D.about

13.A.and B.but C.or D.because

14.A.moved B.interested C.bored D.tired

15.A.following B.planning C.enjoying D.knowing


3. 难度:中等

    My name is Alison. I live in a countryside in Scotland now. Every weekend, our family will go on a wonderful trip. Last weekend, my brother1. I decided to visit my uncle's house in London. My cousin Sam met us at the train station. It was so large and you can see visitors from all2. the world.

My aunt and uncle cooked a big dinner for us. Then they invited us 3. play bowling. It was my second time to play this game. But I found it was still 4. little difficult for me. On Saturday, we went shopping in Oxford Street. In the evening, we went to a nice Chinese food restaurant. We all enjoyed the meal happily. Chinese dishes 5. considered as the most delicious food in the world.

We went home on Sunday. However I wanted to stay in London. I like the city so much.


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