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1. 难度:简单


________your generous help, we could not be living a happy life today.

A. Despite       B. But for         C. Because of     D. As long as


2. 难度:简单


 They have been woking on this project for one month. It seems they need ________ month to finish it.

    A. more        B.other           C. another       D. the other 


3. 难度:简单


Many people believe that _______ will takes years to develop a car that does not pollute the air.

A. it           B. that           C. there          D. this


4. 难度:简单


.______ the beginning of the 19th century did scientists know that all matter is made up of atoms.

A. At          B. By            C. Up to         D. Not until


5. 难度:简单


The number of students in this college _____ by 10% every year.

   A. rises         B. lifts           C. raises         D. arises 


6. 难度:简单


.Water, which seems to be so simple and common, is ______ makes life possible.

   A. that         B. which         C. what          D. where


7. 难度:简单


.What________ pity that you couldn’t be there to receive ________ prize!

   A. a, a       B. the, a         C. the, the         D. a, the 


8. 难度:简单


.The teacher used to stay up deep into the night. ______ , he made himself ill.

   A. However    B. Eventually     C. Moreover       D. Also


9. 难度:简单


. Like most of my schoolmates, I have neither brothers nor sisters---____,I’m an only child.

   A. in a word    B. in other words   C. more or less    D. far and near


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