满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

--- You haven’t been to the West Lake in...

--- You haven’t been to the West Lake in Hangzhou, have you?

---______. How I wish to go there!

    A. Yes, I have      B. Yes, I haven’t C. No, I have       D. No, I haven’t


D 【解析】略

—This new model bike _______ Uncle Wang last week.

—How beautiful! By the way, what’s it ________?

A. was made by; made of    B. was made; made from

C. was made to; make up    D. made by; made of



The letter____Tommy received from his company yesterday is very important.

   A. who         B. where      C. what         D. that



---How long have you been studying at this school?

--- I have been studying here­­­­____.

 A. since I was thirteen years old         B. when I was thirteen     

 C. at the age of thirteen                D. after I was thirteen



Jim didn’t understand ____.

 A. which is the way to the museum   B. why his wife always goes shopping

 C. what was the way to the museum   D. how I could get to the station



---         you            the cat?---Yes, I have.

    ---When          you         it? ---Ten minutes ago.

    A. Did, feed; did, feed        B. Have, fed; have, fed

    C. Did, feed; have, fed      D. Have, fed; did, feed



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