满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

你是电影俱乐部(Movie Club)的一名会员。你们经常组织看不同类型的影片。...


你是电影俱乐部(Movie Club)的一名会员。你们经常组织看不同类型的影片。请较全面地介绍你们的俱乐部成员及开展的活动。



Our Movie Club

My name is Tom Green. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Our Movie Club My name is Tom Green. I am thirteen years old. My birthday is April 25th. I can play basketball and swim very well. I like seeing movies very much. I am in a movie club. In the club, I have a friend called Jim Brown. He is twelve years old and he is good at drawing. His birthday is July 7th. We are going to see a new film next Sunday afternoon. It will be on at three o'clock. It is an action movie called Hero. Li Lianjie is the actor. I think it will be exciting. I can't wait to see it. 【解析】略


Wei Fang is twelve y_1.old. She is a b2._ girl. She is f_3._ Shanghai and she s_4.__ in No.5 High School.

     Wei Fang g__5.__ up at 6∶30 every day in the morning. She has b__6.__ with her parents. She would like milk and bread. She goes to school at 7∶30.Wei Fang is a clever girl. She sings and dances very w_7._. She often h_8.__ her classmates do their homework.. A9.of her classmates like her very much. She does her h_10.__ at 7∶00 in the evening and goes to bed at 9∶00.





1. My father works on a farm.(变一般疑问句)

           your father         on a farm?

2. What do you think of the yellow dress?(改成同义句)

           do you         the yellow dress?

3. His mother is a nurse.(加doctor构成选择疑问句)

           his mother a nurse         a doctor?

4.. It is 9:30 now.(就划线部分提问)

                  is it now?

5.   She doesn’t have any pears.(变肯定句)

   She _____ _______ pears.

6.  We play volleyball.(改为以Let开头的句子)

   ______  ______ volleyball.

7. Can I help you?(改成同义句)

   What_____ I ______ _____ you?





1.Peter ______ (not want) to go to a movie.

2.Here______(come)the bus.

3.The Blacks _______(like) comedies.

4.He needs ______(buy) a guitar.

5.In summer, people like to go ______(swim).

6.Come and see for _____(you).

7.Please tell him ______ (not do) the work..

8.She wants ______ (read) a book..

9.Can he ______ (ride) a bike?.

10.We all like ______ (play) computer games.





A: Excuse me. I'm a reporter (记者) from Zhengzhou TV. 1.

B: Sure.

A: Your name, please?

A. Why do you like Chinese?

B. You’re welcome.

C. May I ask you some questions (问题).

D. Which grade are you in?

E. Do you like Chinese?

F. Can you help me?

G. How do you like Chinese?

B: My name is Alice Green.

A: 2.

B: I'm in Grade Seven.

A: 3.

B: Yes, I do.

A:  4.

B: I love it. It’s fun.

A: Thanks a lot.

B: 5.



I have some boxes. One is small . It’s blue . One is full(满的)of books .It’s red. The third is new. There is nothing in it . There are some old bottles in a big blue box. Today, I want to put the red box in the car, but I can’t carry it. My mother helps me. And she can put the box in the car.

1.I have _____boxes.

A. one        B. two       C. three     D. four

2.I want to put the____ box in the car.

A. blue     B. small      C. new      D. full

3.The____box is empty.

A. red       B. small       C. new       D. blue

4.The red box is ____,so I can’t carry it.

A. heavy     B. light      C. old         D. small

5._____helps me put the red box in the car.

A. Father       B. Mother    C.  Nobody    D.  My friend



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