满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

When you are in England, you must be ver...

When you are in England, you must be very careful in the streets because the traffic drives on the left. Before you across a street, you must look at the right first and then left.

  In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come from work, the streets are very busy .Traffic is the most dangerous .

  When you drive a car in England, you have to be more careful, too. Always remember the traffic moves on the left. So you must be careful .Have a look first, or you will go the wrong way.

  In many English cities, there are big buses with two floors. You can sit on the second floor. From there you can see the city well .It’s very interesting.

1. In England the traffic moves             .

A.  on the right  B. on the left  C. in the middle  D. in the park

2. When you cross a street, you must look at           .

A. the front   B. the right   C. the left   D. B and C

3. The street become very busy in the morning and in the evening because            .

A. the people go to work B. the people come from work

C. the people go shopping D. A and B

4. It is         to cross the streets in the morning and in the evening.

       A. dangerous B . interesting C. easy  D. safe (安全)

5.You can see the city well on the         floor of the bus.

A. first   B. second  C. third  D. fourth



1.B2.B3.D4.A5.B 【解析】略


      Let me tell you something ___41__ my little dog, Snoopy. Snoopy is a healthy   42       dog. He looks very __43   . He has two small eyes, two big ears, __44__ short legs and a small tail.

   It’s great fun    45   with him. I often teach him __46 __ to play games. Now he can play many kinds of    47    . If I say “Go to __ 48  _ !” he goes to his bed and lies    49   .If I say “__50 __ basketball!” he goes to catch a ball and puts it into a _ _51__ . If I say “Please __52_ _ for us!” he dances to the music. Can he sing a song? Of course he can. But he does not __ 53_   in English or Chinese. When he sings, __54_  can understand    55  .

1. A. for          B. to        C. at          D. about   

2.A. China       B. America   C. American    D. England

3. A. boring       B. lovely     C. ugly        D. dangerous

4. A. one         B. two       C. three        D. four

5.A. playing      B. to play    C. play         D. plays

6. A. what        B. where     C. how        D. when

7. A. game       B. games      C. a game     D. sport

8. A. sleep        B. play       C. swim       D. bring

9. A. down.       B. up        C. in          D. to

10. A. Do         B. Help       C. Run        D. Play

11. A. floor        B. basket     C. bed         D. sofa

12. A. write        B. cry       C. dance        D. jump

13. A. sing         B. say       C. show        D. speak

14. A. somebody    B. many     C. nobody      D. some

15. A. he          B. his        C. him         D. they




My new pen pal, Jim, ______ me that he can _______ Chinese.

        A. tell, say     B. tells, speak   C. say, talk     D. talks, speak



Does Linda enjoy ______ at Lana’s birthday party?

        A. herself     B. yourself   C. himself     D. themselves




Can you tell ___ the way to the People's Hospital(����ҽԺ)? 

 A. his    B. her   C. him   D. she




They are arriving ________ Shanghai next Monday.

        A. in     B. to   C. /     D. on




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