满分5 > 初中英语试题 >


假如你即将升入的高中可以为学生提供丰富多彩的社团活动,根据你个人的兴趣爱好,请从下面表格中任意选择1—2个你喜欢的社团,以My favorite club(s) 为题写一篇短文。在短文中说明你参加的理由,以及你对社团有哪些期待,你希望有怎样的收获等。(10分)

Science club

Speech club   

Drawing club

History club

dancing/ singing club

basketball / football club

要求:1. 词数80左右;

      2. 文中不得出现真实的人名和校名;

      3. 内容完整,条理清晰,语句通顺,书写工整。

My favorite club (s)


Possible version 1: My favorite club New school life is coming. I'm so glad to hear that there will be some kinds of clubs for me. I’d like to join the drawing club. On the one hand, I have been learning to draw since I was five years old. I hope the club can offer me more chances to show my talent. Maybe I can have my own exhibitions and become a famous artist one day. On the other hand, I'd like to make more friends who have the same hobbies as well. I'll have a colorful school life if I join the club. I’m looking forward to it. Possible version 2; My favorite clubs I'm going to a new school where there are many clubs next month. I want to join some of them. First, I want to join the football club, because I like playing football very much. I hope there are a lot of football games for me to take part in. I'm sure I’ll be a good team player, make more friends and become stronger. Next, I want to join the drawing club because it brings me enjoyment. I hope the club can have some drawing competitions. Also, I need a teacher to help me draw better. I expect my life in high school will be exciting, especially in my favorite clubs. 【解析】 略


Dear Xiao Li,

I'm sorry to hear that your family will      1.       to England. I will   2.   forget the days we have spent together. In the past few years, you have given me much     3.      with my study. I really appreciate it. It's time to say goodbye to you. I just want to give you my best4.    . See you     5.       England one dayl





 One year ago. I asked a worker to help me repair my old house. He had a bad first day on the job: his car broke on the way, then he found he had left his tools for work at home and his wife telephoned to say his son had a bad cold. While I drove him home, he was silent all the way. When arriving, he invited me to meet his family.

As we walked towards the front door, he stopped at a small tree, and touched the tree with hands. When we opened the door, I was very surprised to see he changed into another person and there was a big smile on his face instead. He hugged (拥抱) his son and gave his wife a kiss.

After a while, when he walked me to the car, I asked him why he had touched the tree just then. "Oh, that's my trouble tree," he answered.  "Sometimes I have troubles on my job, but one thing is for sure, they don't belong to my wife and my son. So I just hang up (悬挂) the troubles on the tree every night when I come home. Then in the morning I pick them up. "

“The funny thing is," he smiled, "when I come out in the morning to pick them up, I hardly remember what I put the night before. "


1.How was the worker's firs day?

2. Where did the worker stop as they walked towards the front door?

3. What did the worker call the tree?

4. When did the worker pick up the troubles every day?

5. Did the worker remember fewer troubles the next morning?



Five students went out for a one-week trip in the countryside. When they returned, the group leader wrote a report about each student. _

A. He was getting on very well until he hurt his foot on the third day. He didn't take part in

most of the activities in the second half of the week.

B. She enjoyed herself, but found it very difficult to get up in the morning and often kept the

others waiting.

C.  A future leader. He always wanted to be first to try a new activity. He was very kind and

helpful to those who had difficulties.

D. She was very shy and easily frightened. It was hard for her to make friends. I'm not sure if she enjoyed the trip very much-

E. He took part in only a few activities.  He missed home very much.  He gave me the impression (印象) — he didn't really want to be with us.


1. The food was so terrible. I missed my parents so much. How comfortable when I was at home!

2.What a pity! Everything was going well, and then I hurt myself. The last few days were quite boring.

3. I love this kind of trip! I always had some new things to do and learn. It was great fun helping organize activities.

4.They wanted me to get out of bed very early, and be ready for the day’s activities soon. Then they got angry when I kept them waiting.

5.I was often very lonely. I had problems making friends. Some of the activities were dangerous. I think I made the mistake of going on this trip.



 Besides studying and tests, teens need to learn some life skills for the future. These skills can help them live by themselves. The following are some necessary skills.

★ Managing money

You often get a little money from your parents, and you may spend it as you like. You can make a list of the things that you want to buy, and plan how to spend the money. Don't waste.

★ Washing and cleaning

Doing laundry correctly is important. You should first read the instructions on clothing, and then check the pockets of the clothes. Pay more attention to different colors of them.

As for cleaning, you should learn how to use brooms, mops (抹布) and so on. If you often do more cleaning, the people who live with you will thank you for the efforts you make.

★ Cooking your favorite meals

You should learn how to cook a few of your favorite meals. First ask your parents for help to decide on the menu and ingredients, and then you can go shopping, cook the meals and clean up the kitchen together.


1. This passage is mainly about some life skills for teens for the future.

2.Teens should manage money by saving money as much as they can.

3.Before they wash clothes, teens should first check the pockets of the clothes.

4. The people around will feel uncomfortable if teens do more cleaning.

5. Parents can help teens decide on the menu and ingredients to cook meals.



One day a strong cowboy was traveling on his horse when he saw a bar. He decided to stop for a few drinks, so he tied(拴) his horse outside the bar, walked into the bar and ordered two bottles of beer. This cowboy was new in town. He looked around and noticed some people making faces to him. He guessed that they might play some tricks (把戏) on him, but he said nothing and continued to drink. After drinking, he walked out of the bar and found his horse lost.

However, he kept calm, came back into the bar, and said slowly, " I don't know what you fools did to my horse out there… but I'm leaving in five minutes, and by then if my horse isn't back where it's supposed to be, well … I have to do here what I did in Texas!" The cowboy added, "And I don't want to do what I did in Texas!" After hearing these words, the other customers seemed a little bit frightened.

The cowboy went back to his seat and ordered another two bottles of beer. After five minutes, he walked out and found his horse tied where it was supposed to be.

Just as he was leaving, the boss of the bar came up and asked curiously (好奇地) , "What was the thing that you did in Texas but you didn't want to do here?"

The cowboy turned to the boss and replied in a low voice, " I had to walk home!"


1. That day the cowboy tied his horse outside __________ before he wanted to drink.

A. the bar        B. he hotel         C. the store       D. the restaurant

2. After a few drinks, the cowboy found his horse__________.

A. ill            B. dead           C. asleep          D. lost

3.The cowboy drank __________of beer at the bar in all.

A. five bottles     B. four bottles      C. three bottles        D. two bottles

4.In Texas, the cowboy had to __________when he couldn't find his horse.

A. walk home                B. argue with others

C. call the police              D. ask the boss for help

5. From the passage, we can know__________ .

A. the cowboy's look frightened the customers

B. the cowboy kept calm because he was strong

C. the cowboy also played a trick on the customers at the bar

D. The cowboy would fight with others if he couldn't find his horse



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