满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Peter’s family has just moved to a new ...

 Peter’s family has just moved to a new town. His father has found a very well-paid job there. They brought many things from their old house. Now Peter is very tired. He has just helped his mother in the new house. He says, “Mother, I’ve finished.”

“But have you carried in all the boxes?”

“Yes, I have, Mother. I carried them in this morning.”

“Have you washed all the windows?”

“Yes, Mother. I washed them at ten o’clock.”

“Have you cleaned all the tables, chairs and our beds?”

“Yes, Mother. I have cleaned all the tables and chairs. I have also cleaned all the floors. I have worked all day.”

“Very good, Peter. Now can you just do one more thing?”

“Oh, no. I have finished, Mother. Finished !”

“Oh well,” his mother says. “I think I may do it myself.”

“What is it?” asks Peter.

“Eat this beautiful cake I’ve just made.”

1.Why did Peter’s family move to a new town?

2. How did Peter feel then

3. What has Peter cleaned?


1.Because his father finds a well-paid job there / a good job there. 2.He feels very tired. 3.All the windows, all the tables, chairs(beds) and all the floors. 【解析】 略

Can we make animals work for us? Some scientists think that we can teach animals to do a lot of things for the people. They say that in a farm or on TV, you may see elephants, monkeys, dogs or some other animals doing a lot of things. If you watch carefully, you may find those animals are always given a little food to eat after they have done something. Scientists say that people can teach many different animals to do some of the easy work if they know they will get something to eat.

   We all know elephants can carry large logs, and dogs can look after houses. And we can even teach animals to work in factories. In America, for example, people have used apes to help make cars, and scientists think that those large monkeys may, one day, drive trains. Now people are trying to get them to do something just like man.

1. People can teach animals to do some easy work if ____   .

A they have enough to eat     B they can learn they will get something to eat

C they are as clever as man   D they are sent to a animal school

2.Elephants can do some heavy work because they_____.

 A eat a lot   B are very strong   C are quirt heavy   D   have large ears

3. Scientists are trying to make big monkeys ___   .

A  work in factories  build houses  drive trains  drive cars



Frank was clever, but he never liked to work hard. He often said to his friends, “If you work hard, you will make a lot of money, but it is not so good. I want easy work and a lot of money. That’s the most interesting thing in the world.”So he could only be a thief. But he still thought it was too much work, so he only told his friends what to do and got money from them.

    One day, Frank sent one of his friends to a very large and beautiful house. He told him to get money from that rich family. It was evening, and a man and a girl were in the room. They were playing a duet(二重奏)on a piano. Then the thief came into the house.

    When he returned, Frank asked him what he had got. But he said, “I didn’t take anything. That family can’t have much money. You know, two people were playing on the same piano there. They did not have money to buy another piano.”

1.Which is the best title for the passage?

   A. Frank and His Work                   B. One Piano Only

   C. The Man and the Girl                  D. Easy Work and More Money

2.From the story we know that Frank_______________.

  A.was more clever than most of the people    B.had many clever friends

  C.didn’t want to do any work               D.knew many interesting things in the world

3. The story tells us if we want to become rich, we must ______________ .

  A. find an easy job                      B. work hard

  C. have a lot of friends                  D. learn something about money



(1) The looks are for Tom’s family.

Family member

His /her looks


tall, curly hair


short, black hair, heavy


long curly hair, medium build


looks like my mother, short, heavy

(2) Here is the weather report in some cities in China.




























cloudy to sunny

light snow

sunny to cloudy




(3) This is TV show in Chongqing Station.

CQTV (生活)

7:30          Morning News

14:30        Soap Opera: Dumpling king

15:30        Arts and Cultures

16:50        Sitcom: Happy Family

18:20        Chinese cooking

19:00   Talk show









1. Tom’s mother is ______ and heavy with ______ hair.

   A. tall, curly      B. short, black      C. medium, long     D. short, long

2. Beijing is ______ while Chongqing is raining.

   A. sunny to cloudy    B. cloudy to sunny      C. sunny      D. cloudy

3. Which is the following sentence right?

A. Tom’s father is a cook. He learns Chinese cooking on TV at 15:30.

  B. Tom’s sister looks like my mother and she likes watching soap operas.

  C. A reporter asks me about what I did on weekends on TV at 16:50.

  D. Tom’s mother went to Harbin, she has to wear very warm clothes.



"Come and have a dinner with me on Thursday," says John.

“But I don’t know where your house is,” says Henry.

“It’s easy,” says John. “There’s no problem. You get off(下车) the bus. Then, you cross the street. You take the first on the left, and you walk for five minutes. Then you come to a big tree about a hundred metres down this street, there is a big red house. You go past the big red house. And after about five hundred metres, you see a small yellow house near a little tree. Open the door with your foot."

“With my foot?” Says Henry.

“Why, yes,” says John, “Your hands will be full(满满的).”

"How do you know my hands will be full?"says Henry.

“You wouldn’t come to my house without(没有) some food with you”.

1.John’s house is _____________.

A. a big and red house   B. a small yellow house   C. near a big tree

2.Why does John want Henry to open the door with foot? Because ______.

A.  John invite(邀请) Henry to have dinner with him

B.  There is something wrong Henry’s hands

C.  John thinks that when Henry comes, his hands will be full

3. In the story(故事), "You take the first on the left" means(意思)

A.  You take No.1 bus on the left    B. You take the first turning on the left

C.  You take the first step on the left



Our planet is about ______ years old.

    A. 35,000               B. 4600             C. 4600 million     D. 500 million



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