满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Mary and Donald Smith lived in the same ...

Mary and Donald Smith lived in the same building. Donald 41 a toy company. One day Donald gave Mary. the 4-year-old girl. a new toy. She played with it and said. "This is fun! A few weeks later Donald gave her 42 toy. She played with it and then said. "I'm not 43 in this toy. It doesn't work." For years Donald gave Mary new toys.  and she gave him very good   44   about the toys.

When Mary was 13 years old. Donald showed her a new ball. Mary wanted to 45 the ball with small stones to make it 46 .The company made this change. Mary's idea was a great success! The company sold thousands of the balls.

   That Christmas. Donald gave Mary an  47 gift. He made her vice-president(副总裁) of the toy company. She made $200,000 a year. Her job was lo see 48 the new toys were fun. She worked 49 three or four hours a day at her job, then she had to do her homework.

Today Mary works at a college. The little vice-president with bright ideas helps students think about their 50.

1.A. owned        B. rioted        c. owns      D. closes

2.A. other          B. other        C. the other   D. another

3.A. excited       B. interested     C. relaxed    D. bored

4.A. ways         B. designs      C. questions   D. ideas

5.A. fill          B. full         C. add        D. pour

6.A. noisy       B. quiet        C. light        D. future

7.A. special       B. awful        C. amazing      D. useful

8. A. when        B. if            C. as          D. since

9.A.BI           B. in           C. for          D. with

10.A. company       B. toys       C. homework    D. future


1.A 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.C 10.D 【解析】 【主旨大意】拥有玩具公司的Donald Smith,经常给邻居Mary礼物,Mary对礼物的评价帮助Donald Smith把自己的公司越做越好。 1.句意为“拥有一家玩具公司”,本片故事是用过去时讲述的。 2.代词的辨析,“几周后Donald Smith给了她另一个玩具”,another,“另一个”,表泛指。 3.动词短语  由“It doesn’t work。”可知“我对这个礼物不感兴趣,”。 4. 她(Mary)对玩具的做出了很好的评价或看法。 5.“她想往球里面装小石子”,be filled with 装满,盛满 6.  “球里面装上石子让它发出声音。”quiet 安静;light 轻;future未来,将来都讲不通。 7. 根据下文,可知Donald Smith给了Mary一份特殊的礼物。 8. 考察宾语从句的引导词。“她的工作是看看新玩具是不是很有趣。” 9.介词的考察,“她一天工作三四个小时” 10.名词辨析 “这个有聪明想法的女孩帮助学生们考虑他们的未来。”


A                                                      B

1.1 don't know bow to use this new mobile phone.             A. He is kind and helpful.

2.What is your teacher like?                              B. What a pity!

3.How much is it?                                      C. Don't worry. I will help you.

4.You Speak English very well.                           D. Thank you.

5.I missed Happy Camp last night.                         E. Five dollars.



This morning my mother asked me__.

A. why he is not here    B. where Julia went last weekend

C. what time is it       D. how did my brother do it



The meeting _ by the time I got there yesterday.

A. was on     B. has been on  C. had begun       D. has begun



The teacher said that__ of the boys would take part in the talent show.

A. three five    B. three fives  C. thirds fifths      D. three fifths



_ Lily _ Lucy is going with you because one of them must slay at home.

A. Not only;but also          B. Neither; nor      

C. Both; and                D. Either; or



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