满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

All the kids had a lot of fun ________ C...

All the kids had a lot of fun ________ Children’s Day. They sang and danced happily all day. 

A. in B. at             C. of      D. on


D 【解析】略

Mr. Smith always ________ short stories,but he ________ a TV play these days.

A. is writing;is writing      B. is writing;writes 

C. writes;is writing                 D. writes;writes



—Have you finished your work yet?

—No,not yet. I think it’ll take ________ minutes.

A. another ten       B. other ten     C. more ten      D. ten another



The young man came riding full speed down the road on his bicycle. ________ it was!

A. How dangerous the situation  B. What dangerous a situation 

C. How a dangerous situation       D. What a dangerous situation



—Could you tell me how to improve spoken English?

—Well, just take every chance to practice ________ and don’t be shy.

A. speak   B. to speak       C. speaking      D. spoke



—What bad weather!

—Yes. The weather report says it will be even ________ later on.

A. bad       B. badly    C. worse          D. worst



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