满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

_________, what’s your telephone number ...

_________, what’s your telephone number ?

   A. On the way    B.In the way      C.To the way   D.  By the way.


D 【解析】略

_________she was having supper , her telephone rang.

A. While          B. As soon as         C. After        D. Before




升入高中的第一周,学校将组织一次以“Our New School Life”为主题的班会。你认为怎样才能成为一名合格的高中生?请用英语写一篇发言稿,可从思想修养、学习生活、体育卫生等方面阐述自己的观点。

注意:1.词数80-100词;  2.开头和结尾已给出(不计入总词数)。

Good evening, everyone!                                                        



 That’s all. Thanks for your listening!                                 



、阅读表达 (共5小题,计10分)


Recently some houses in our community have been broken into. I would like to give you some suggestions about how to prevent from stealing (盗窃).

First, let’s talk about lighting. We should turn on the outside lights at night. Inside the house, it’s a good idea to put automatic timers (自动定时器) on lights. When you are out, it will still look like someone is at home. If you live in an apartment building, make sure that there’s good lighting in the garage and in the hallways.

Next, let’s talk about locks. First of all, cheap locks are not safe. You should buy special locks to lock your doors and windows. 83 Remember to lock your doors and windows, even when you leave for just a minute. Did you know that half of the thieves break in through unlocked doors and windows?

My next suggestion is not to keep lots of money in the house. It’s wise to put your money in a bank. You should put marks on your other valuables, like television, stereos and cameras, so that the police can return them to you if they are found.

84Believe it or not, if you follow all of these suggestions above, your house will be safer.


1. What does the phrase “break into” mean in Chinese?


2. How many suggestions on stopping breaking into does the writer offer in the passage?


(二) 将短文中划线的句子译成汉语。










In most countries of the world,  there is one medicine called aspirin. N_________1. everyone takes it. People take it when they have an ache or a pain,  and s ________2.when they have a fever(发烧) . Doctors b_________3.it can also help people who have heart disease and some other diseases,  too. Some people,  however,  cannot take aspirin. It must never be given to c_______4.under 12 years old.

Before aspirin was i_________5. ,  some people made a drink with the bark( 树皮) of the white willow(柳树) . This drink made their pains and fever go away,  but no one knew w_________6. it helped. Then,  in the 1830s,  scientists in England s_________7. all the things that were in the bark of the white willow. They found out what thing in the plant s_________8. pain. Soon people were making medicine with this pain-stopping thing and selling it. Later scientists found out how to make aspirin w_________9.using any plants at all. Aspirin was first s_________10.in 1899 by the Bayer Company of Germany.






Mr and Mrs Smith were giving a dinner party with 20 visitors seated around a table. Their talk was about who  1.       (have) more self-control(自我控制力 ),men or women.

Suddenly they saw a strange expression ( 表情 )  2.       (come) across Mrs Smith's face. She said something to the servant(仆人) standing behind her without 3.       (turn) around. The servant quickly put a glass of milk outside the open door.

One of the men said,  "I want to know what self-control everyone 4.      (have). While I 5.       (count) from 1 to 300, none of you can move at all. If you do,  you6.       (pay) 50. "

The people sat like rocks while the man counted. When he reached 280, a large snake(蛇)7.        (see) moving slowly from the table to the glass of milk.

Mr Smith said,  "You 8.      just       (show) us an example of self-control,  but how did you know there  9.      (be) a snake in the room?"

"I 10.        (not,  know) it was,  but I knew the milk was for the snake,  "the man answered.

"It was lying right on my feet, " said Mrs Smith.



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