满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

----You speak very good English. ----___...

----You speak very good English. ----_______.

   A. Thanks a lot    B. Yes   C. No    D. Not good


A 【解析】略

----_____you from Australia ?  ----I’m from Canada.

   A. Can    B. Are   C. Do   D. Where are



请以“My  ……. ”为题,可以是My  friend  、My father 、My classmate 等等为题,写一篇70左右的短文。




1. Please don’t tell others about my p__________ things.

2. Tom jumped into the water and saved the little child . He was really a b       .  man.

3. The t_________in the street is always busy, so you must be careful.

4. If you tell him the truth, you ’ll prove how h________ you are.

5.We all know that there are four s ________ in a year.

6.He gets the most ,although he has the __________(最少)money.

7.I have read one of your ___________(文章)in the newspaper.

8.Everybody should _______ (保护) the wild animals. Because they are our friends.

9. The old man lives alone, but he doesn’t feel ______ (孤独的).

10.Do you know who ___________ ( 复印 ) this paper for me just now?




  I    Internet   how  day  through


A:Good morning , Alice

B: Good mornig , Kate.

A:Do you often surf the   1.     ?

B: Yes,  I like listening to music , watching films , chatting and shopping online.

A: That’s great .Can you tell me      2.    to do something shopping online?

B: Ok .Just enter E-pay .First ,you need to apply for a user’s passport . Next , go    3.    the shopping list.

A: And then ?

B: Choose one you like ,click on it and follow the instructions .You ’ll receive it in a few    4.    .

A: Thank you . I ’ll have a try     5.    



The father-chlild relationship(父子关系)is the most important because in many families the father is the head of the family and a role model to his children.

1. When a child is born in the family, the parents plan a future .The father is the most excited as he has different plans for new son or daughter.

2. In today ’s world ,fathers especially have no time for family .Work has taken up their time ,so they spend less time with their family and children. The importance of father and child bonding(亲密关系形成) has decreased in the recent years.

3. Do something together like playing games or a basketball match etc. Activities with your child help you get to know what she or he likes or dislikes and helps you bond better.

  4.If your child tells you she or he loves her or his mother more . you should know that you haven’t spent enough time with the child .Ask your wife how to get closer to your child .

  These are some tips for father and child boning in today ’s world .Children need both their parents to help them deal with the future when they grow up.


1.The father–children relationship is the most important becaues a father _______ .

   A.has to meet his children every           B.is the head of a family and a model to his children

   C. spends the most time with his children    D. often play with his children after work

2.The underlined word “decreased ”means “____.”

   A. 消失  B.上涨    C.增加   D. 降低

3.If your child tells you she or he loves her or his mother more .       .

A.       you should know that you haven’t spent enough time with the child .

B.       you should know that you have spent enough time with the child .

C.       you shouldn’t know that you haven’t spent enough time with the child .

D.       you shouldn’t know that you have spent enough time with the child .

4.The article was written mainly for _________ .

A. fathers      B.mothers   C. sons        D. daughters

5.What’s the best title of this article?

   A.How to plan a chlid’s future               B. How to make the child have a happier lifestyle

  C.Father and child bonding is very important   D. Playing games with the child is nesessary.



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