满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Liu Mei is short. So she sits _______the...

Liu Mei is short. So she sits _______the class.

   A. in the front of    B. in front of   C. in the front   D. behind


A 【解析】略

----________ ?   ----He lives in Bozhou.

A. Where are you from      B. Where is he live

 C. Where does he live     D. Does he live in Bozhou



----You speak very good English. ----_______.

   A. Thanks a lot    B. Yes   C. No    D. Not good



----_____you from Australia ?  ----I’m from Canada.

   A. Can    B. Are   C. Do   D. Where are



请以“My  ……. ”为题,可以是My  friend  、My father 、My classmate 等等为题,写一篇70左右的短文。




1. Please don’t tell others about my p__________ things.

2. Tom jumped into the water and saved the little child . He was really a b       .  man.

3. The t_________in the street is always busy, so you must be careful.

4. If you tell him the truth, you ’ll prove how h________ you are.

5.We all know that there are four s ________ in a year.

6.He gets the most ,although he has the __________(最少)money.

7.I have read one of your ___________(文章)in the newspaper.

8.Everybody should _______ (保护) the wild animals. Because they are our friends.

9. The old man lives alone, but he doesn’t feel ______ (孤独的).

10.Do you know who ___________ ( 复印 ) this paper for me just now?



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