满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

--- How soon will the boss come back? --...

--- How soon will the boss come back?

---__________ about three days.

    A. For      B. After      C. In        D. During



C 【解析】略

--- What do you think of the film Avatar?

    --- It's fantastic. The only pity is that I _______ the beginning of it.

A. missed    B. was missing     C. miss     D. will miss




The earthquake which happened in Japan __ March,11th , 2011 was a big disaster(����).

A. at      B. on      C. in     D. to




--- Remember to ask her to call me back.

    --- _________________.

A. Never mind.     B. That’s right.    C. Sounds great    D. Got it.




--- Excuse me, could you tell me _____________?

    --- Sorry, sir, I wasn’t there at that time.

A.   how did the accident happen    B. how the accident happened

C.  how does the accident happen   D. how the accident happens




--- We will build a subway in Gangzhou before 2035.

    --- Wow, ____________! Will it pass our place?

 A. what an excited news     B. how excited the news is

 C. what exciting news       D. how exciting news




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