满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

The market isn’t far from here. It’s onl...

The market isn’t far from here. It’s only ______ bicycle ride.

 A. half an hours’ B. half an hour’s C. half an hour D. an hour and a half


B 【解析】略


had better not , needn’t, had better, would rather, mustn’t

JENNY: Nick, we 1______ go to bed. It’s very late.

NICK: I know, but I 2______ help Trig than go to bed. He’s tearing up his English exercise book and he’s throwing his grammar book round the room. I don’t think he’s very happy.

JENNY: Well, you 3______ stay up too long.

NICK: Trig, stop it. You 4______ throw your books at the wall. It won’t help and you might break something. You 5______ work at your English now. What are you learning?

TRIG: Abbreviation [n] 1 U abbreviating, being abbreviated 2 C shortened form of a word, phrase, etc. ‘Sept’ an abbreviation for ‘September’…

NICK: But Trig, that’s from the dictionary. You 6______ learn the whole dictionary by heart!




1. The people ______ travel all over the world think China is a beautiful country.(定语从句引导词)

2. I can’t say anything ______ moves us deeply.(定语从句引导词)

3. Paper is made ______ wood.

4. The trees can stop the flood from ______ (wash) the earth away.

5. By the end of last term, we ______ (study) three thousand words.

6. You must practise ______ (play) the piano every day.

7. Edison was a great American ______ (invent).

8. He hasn’t enough ______(经验)for the job.

9. It’s good to tell ______ (true).

10. You’d better ______ (not go) to the supermarket.



假设你是李华,你有一名网友叫Simon ,请你根据下面所给的提示,介绍你的网友。词数不少于70词。















1.            (take) a bus is much faster than walking.

2.Simon spends a lot of time ____________(practice) playing basketball every day.

3. This kind of animal has two _______(foot).

4.Can you help  me ____________(solve) the problem?

5. Thursday is the ______(five) day of the week.

6. Students in Hongshanhu and Kaishandao have to get to school by b____     (小船).

7.—What are you doing for vacation?   — I’m _b____  __  (照顾)  my sister.

8.It’s easy to have a healthy lifestyle, and it’s important to eat a balanced d         (饮食)

9.. He makes me very  a _________(生气)

10.Beethoven is a very  f_______(著名的)musician



补全对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)   根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

A: Hello, Ann .  __1.____              B: Because I walk to school today.

A:        2.                       B: By bike. _____3._____

A: I’m sorry to hear that. ___4.__ _      B: All of them live near our school, so they usually walk.

A: __________5._____ _              B: By bus

A: Does anybody come by car?            B: No, I don’t think so.

A: How do you usually come to school?

B: Sometimes I walk to school.

C: How do your classmates come to school?

D: Why are you looking so tired?

E: But something is wrong with me today.

F: What about other students in your school?

G: Do they go to school by bus?




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