满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

句型转换。 1. The dress cost so much that she...


1. The dress cost so much that she didn’t buy it.(用too … to … 改写)

The dress cost ___  ___  ___  her  ___  buy.

2. It rained yesterday, so I stayed at home.(用because改写)

____ it ____  yesterday,  I  ____  at home.

3. My parents will go to America in two weeks.(对划线部分提问)

___  ____ ___  your parents ___ to America.

4. People use thermoses (热水瓶)for keeping water warm.(改为被动语态)

Thermoses ____  ___  ___  ____ water warm。

5. I hardly ever meet him after he moved to another district.(对划线部分提问)

____ ____ ____ you meet him after he moved to another district?

6. Collecting coins interests the small boy.(用interested改写)

The small boy ___ ____ ___ ___ coins.

7. Basketball was invented by a Canadian doctor.(改为主动语态)

a Canadian doctor _______    ______.

8. Naismith thinks he can do it well.(改为过去时)

Naismith ____ he _____ do it well.

9. He divided the players into two teams of eleven.(改为同义句)

He ____ the players into two teams of eleven.

10. He might know anyone at the party.(改为表示否定推测的句子)

He ____ ____ know anyone at the party.


1. The dress cost too much for her to buy. 2. Because it rained yesterday, I stayed at home. 3. How soon will your parents go to America? 4. Thermoses are used for keeping water warm. 5. How often do you meet him after he moved to another district? 6. The small boy is interested in collecting coins. 7. A Canadian doctor invented basketball. 8. Naismith thought he could do it well. 9. He separated the players into two teams of eleven. 10. He could not know anyone at the party. 【解析】略

I really don’t know ______ about it.

 A. what to do B. how to do C. to do what D. how can I do



—What is a writing brush, do you know?

 —It’s used ______ writing and drawing.

 A. with B. to C. for D. by



We could see nothing because the lights suddenly ______.

 A. went on B. went over C. went down D. went out



The mountain was ______ steep ______ few people in our city reached the top.

 A. so; as B. so; that C. as; as D. too; to



The war was over about three months ago, ______ the American soldiers in Iraq are still having a lot of trouble to deal with.

A. or B. and C. but D. so



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