满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

When you write a letter or make a teleph...

When you write a letter or make a telephone call, your words 31  a message. People communicate(沟通) with words. Do you think you can communicate__32__words? A smile   33  your face shows you are happy and friendly. Tears in your eyes tell34  that you are sad. When you 35    your hand in class, the teacher knows you want to say something  36 ask questions. You shake(摇头) your head, and people know you are saying no. You nod(点头) and people know you are saying   37 .

  Other things can also give some information. For example, a sign at the bus stop helps you to know which bus  38 . A sign on the wall of your school helps you to find the library. Signs on doors tell you  39  to go in or out.  40 you ever noticed that there are a lot of signs around you and that you receive message  41  them all the time?

  People can communicate  42 many other ways.  43  artist can use his drawings to tell about beautiful mountains, about the blue sea and many other things. Books  44 to tell you about all wonderful things in the world. They all help us to know 45  is going on in the world.

1.A. take        B. bring              C. carry    

2.A. by          B. with               C. without

3.A. in          B. on                 C. at        

4.A. others      B. the others         C. other  

5.A. look up     B. make up            C. put up   

6.A. when        B. or                 C. but       

7.A. no          B. hello              C. yes     

8.A. to get      B. to have            C. to take

9.A. where       B. how                C. what

10.A. Do          B. Did                C. Have

11.A. from        B. of                 C. about   

12.A. with        B. without            C. in

13.A. The         B. An                 C. A       

14.A. wrote       B. is written         C. are written

15.A. what        B. which              C. that


1.C 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.C 9.A 10.C 11.A 12.C 13.B 14.C 15.A 【解析】略

I couldn’t     these new words because I didn’t have a




        A.look for          B.look up         C.look  after



He_______ a lot in the last few years.


        A.has changed     B. changed       C.change



---Peter, Do you remember me?


          ---Sure, Ican’t forget you ________ many years has passed.


         A. even  though       B. since       C. but



I go to sleep      my bedroom light        .


         A.with , in        B. in , on         C. with, on



--What's your problem?

          ---I have trouble     these sentences in English.

         A.say           B.to say           C.saying



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