满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

---What a heavy rain! ----So it is. I pr...

---What a heavy rain!

     ----So it is. I prefer ______ at home ______on such a rainy day.

A. watch TV; to go out        B. watch TV; go out

C. watching TV; to going out   D. to watch TV; going out


C 【解析】略

Look! There is _____ colour bird in the tree. ______ bird is singing.

A. a; The      B. /; The      C. the; A         D. a; /




    1. 学习英语的基本方法(listen to the teacher carefully;speak much;read widely;learn......by heart;practice writing......);

    2. 你自己的体会和建议。


Dear Wang Qiang,

    I’m glad to talk about how to learn English well.Here are some 







happy, interest, problem, never, get away, eye, run , tire, have, miss ,catch, think


    A man was sitting in the doctor’s office. He was telling the doctor about his 1. ________ .

   “I like football, Doctor.” He said, “ Please help me. My life has      2. ________ been a good one since I became 3.________ in football and  it is getting worse and worse. I can’t even4.________ from it in my sleep. When I close my 5.________, I’m out there in the football field and 6.________  after a flying ball. When I wake up, I’m more   7.________than I was before I went to bed. What am I going to do?  ”

    The doctor sat back and said,  “ First of all, you 8.______to do your best not to dream(做梦) about football. Before you fall asleep, try to9.________about something else. Try to think that you are at a party and someone is going to give you several million dollars.” “ Are you crazy (疯了) ?”  the man shouted,  “ I’ll 10. ________ the ball !”



IX.  补全对话。(有两项多余)(5分)

A.Did you use to play the piano?    

    B.You’ve changed a lot.         

    C.Don’t you remember me?  

    D.I am on the swim team.      

    E.That is right.

    F.I wasn’t very outgoing.

    G.You look different.


Girl: Hey, Steve! Over here! ____1____

Boy: Oh, wow! You are Paula, aren’t you?

Girl: ____2___

Boy: But you used to be really quiet, didn't you?

Girl: Yeah. ____3___

Boy: No, you weren't. But you were always friendly.

     Wait a minute! ___4___

Girl: Yes, I did. But now I am more interested in sports. I play soccer      

      and ___5___

Boy: Wow! People sure change.



Mr Smith was ill and he went to see a doctor. The doctor asked  him to put out his tongue(舌头), and then he said, “OK, You can put your tongue back now. There’s nothing wrong with you, but I’m afraid you have a problem. You hardly ever take exercise.”

  “But, doctor,” Mr Smith said, “I don’t think so.”

  “Don’t tell me what you think,” the doctor said, “I know    what you need. I see a lot of people like you. None of them goes  any exercise. They sit in offices all day and in front of the        television in the evening. You must walk quickly for at least(至少)20 minutes a day.”

  “I don’t want to hear any excuse(借口),” the doctor said. “You must find time for exercise. If you don’t, you will get fat and have health problems.”

  “But I walk every day,” Mr Smith said.

  “Oh, yes, and I know what kind of walking that is. You walk a few meters to the bus stop from your house, a few more meters from  the bus stop to your office, and a few more meters from your office  to your dining–room for lunch and back. That’s not a real walk.  I’m talking about a walk in the park or by the lake for twenty      minutes every day.”

  “Would you please listen to me, doctor? Mr Smith said, getting a little angry with his doctor.

  “I’m a postman,” Mr Smith went on, “and I walk for nearly(几乎)seven hours every day.”

  For a moment the doctor was silent(沉默的), then he said      quietly, “Put out your tongue again, will you?”


 1. Where did Mr Smith work?



2.How did the doctor look over Mr Smith?



3. What did the doctor ask Mr Smith to do?



4.Did Mr Smith take enough exercise every day?



 5.What do you think of the doctor?





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