满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

书面表达(5分) 请以“My best friend”为题写一篇短文介绍你最好的...


请以“My best friend”为题写一篇短文介绍你最好的朋友,词数60左右。要点如下:









Mr. Green, a man of fifty-two, was a gardener(花匠). He’s good at g  1   flowers and he’s one of the b  2    gardeners in the town. Last year he c  3    to work for Mrs. Stone, a rich fat old woman.

Mrs. Stone knew n  4    about gardens, but she thought she knew a lot, and she always told the old gardener to do w  5   she said. Sometimes he listened t  6  her, but sometimes he didn’t.

Once Mr. Green got very a  7    with Mrs. Stone and called her a sow(母猪). Mrs. Stone d  8  like it and went to tell it to her friend, a judge(法官). The judge made Mr. Green s  9  sorry to Mrs. Stone.

“Does that mean I can’t call the lady a sow(母猪) any more?” Mr. Green asked . “Yes,” answered the judge. “And can I call a sow(母猪) a lady, sir?” asked Mr. Green. “Yes, you can if you like.” Mr. Green l  10   at the fat woman and said, “Goodbye, lady.”





In the past, Zhang Hua ____________________________________________ at night .


We ___________________________________________________________ soon .


Their school uniforms ________________________________________________ .


It’s polite to _______________________________________ on the bus.


   Andy ____________________________________________ and he has many friends.




1. Jack ___________(catch) a bad cold several days ago.

2. We often hear the girl ______________(sing) in the next room.

3. Peter won’t go there if he ___________(have) no free time the day after tomorrow.

4. Can’t you see I ______________(write) a letter? Please turn down the radio. It’s too noisy.

5. How long did it take you ____________(draw) such a nice picture, Li Lei?

6. —_________Amy _____________(watch) a film tonight?         —No, she isn’t .

7. You’d better ____________(not be) late next time. It’s impolite.

8. Look! Betty with her classmates ______________(run) on the playground.

9. __________(repeat) what you said, because I can’t hear it.

10. _________________(eat) more vegetables is good for your health.



根据中文提示或所给单词,写出正确的单词 (每空1分,共10分)

1. The ____________(交通) light is green. You can cross the street.

2. Many students in our class have poor ___________(视力) and they have to wear glasses.

3. Xu Xiake is ________________(出名的) in China.

4. Do you know the __________(重量) of the elephant?          

5. My uncle doesn’t like ______________( 西方的) food .

6. —Whose watches are these?    —They’re the _________ (swim) .

7. Take good care of _____________(you) when you go on a trip , boys and girls.

8. Yesterday he did his homework ____________(careful) and made many mistakes. His teacher was very unhappy.

9. After taking the medicine, he felt even _______________(bad). So he had to stay in bed .

10. He often tells us funny jokes to make us ________________ (please) .





Channel 1

Channel 2

18:00  Around China

18:30  Children’s Program

19:00  News

19:30  Weather Report

19:40  Around the World

20:10  TV Play: A Big Family

21:00  English for Today

21:15  Popular Music

21:55  Talk Show

17:45  Computers Today

18:10  Foreign Arts

18:30  English Classroom

19:00  Animal World

19:25  China 2001

20:20  Sports

21:00  TV Play: Guo Lanying

21:45  English News

22:05  On TV Next Week

 (   )1. If you want to know something about Japanese, which of the following programs would be the best one?

A. Weather Report    B. China 2001    C. Around the World    D. Animal World

(   )2. If you are a basketball fan, you may watch TV at ______________ .

       A.19:00 on Channel 2                 B. 19:40 on Channel 1   

 C. 20:20 on Channel 2                 D. 21:15 on Channel 1

(   )3. How long does the TV play “A Big Family” last?

       A.30 minutes       B. 50 minutes        C. 90 minutes        D. 100 minutes

(   )4. You can watch ______________ if you want to learn English on TV.

       A. English News    B. English Classroom   C. English for Today    D. all the above

(   )5. You should wait until _______ if you want to know the programs of next week.

       A.21:55           B. 22:05            C. 21:00          D. 21:45



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