满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Peter: What are you doing for vacation, ...

Peter:   What are you doing for vacation, Steven?

Steven:  I’m visiting my aunt in San Francisco. My brother’s staying there. He’s joining a club.

Peter:   Oh? When are you going?

Steven:  Next Friday.

Peter:   How long are you staying?

Steven:  I’m staying at my aunt’s home for four days. I’m going sightseeing in San Francisco, and then I’m seeing

 all of my friends New York. How about you?

Peter:   I’m going to the beach and my friends and I are also going hiking for a few days.

Steven:  Aren’t you renting video tapes and relaxing at home?

Peter:   No, it’s boring. We like outside activities.

1.Peter is going _______ on his vacation.

A.   to Florida           B. riding            C. hiking           D. to San Francisco

2. Steven’s leaving ______ for vacation.

A. tomorrow            B. next month        C. next Monday     D. next year

3. Steven’s brother is staying ________.

A. at home              B. at school          C. in San Francisco   D. in New York

4.Steven is staying in his aunt’s house for ______.

A. a week               B. four days          C. several days      D. two days

5. Peter thinks that staying at home is _____.

A. interesting            B. boring             C. fun             D. exciting


1.C 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.B 【解析】略

Mrs Smart is going to take her son, Clark, to see an eye doctor, but Clark has school in the morning and piano classes on Monday and Friday afternoons. And Mrs Smart is free (空闲)only in the afternoon. Here are the doctor’s office hours.



1.Where are Mrs Smart and Clark going?

A. They’re going to the dentist.               B. They’re going to the supermarket

C. They’re going to see the eye doctor.         D. They’re going to the zoo.

2. When will be the best time for Mrs Smart to take Clark to see the doctor?

A. Monday            B. Tuesday           C. Wednesday         D. Friday

3.What does Clark do on Monday and Friday afternoons?

A. he has a toothache                       B. He has piano lessons    

C. He goes to the doctor.                    D. He has swimming lessons.

4.How many days a week does the doctor work in the morning?

A. Two days            B. Three days       C. Four days           D. Five days

5.Which day doesn’t the doctor work in a week?

A. Saturday             B. Sunday          C. Every day          D. Friday



Li Ming   26  often late for school. The teacher is very angry with him. “  27  are you often late for school?” asks the teacher. “Because I often get up  28 ,” answers Li Ming. “  29  clock can wake (唤醒)you up,” says the teacher.“Yes, you are   30  .But it  31  work ,” says Li Ming.“Why don't you   32  it?” asks the teacher again.“Oh, I don't want it to work   33  ,” answers Li Ming.“If all of us are late for school,  34  do you like it?” says the teacher.“Oh, that's great! There will be  35  schools in the world,” says Li Ming with a smile.

1. A. is             B. be              C. does             D. do

2. A. Why       B. When            C. What             D. Where

3. A. quickly        B. early               C. late             D. slowly

4. A. You            B. Your                C. Yours                D. Yourself

5. A. right     B. wrong           C. fine             D. OK

6. A. don't     B. doesn't         C. isn't                D. not

7. A .take           B. bring               C. make             D. mend(修理)

8. A. good           B. nice                C. well             D. fine

9. A. what      B. why             C. how              D. where

10. A. no            B. not             C. little               D. without



This time I want to do ____________.

A. something different                   B. different something

C. some different                        D. anything different



— How long are you staying there?     —____________.

A. Next week          B. On Sunday        C. Next month        D. For a month



Li Ping always gets up early and he is          late for school.

A. usually        B. often            C. sometimes         D. hardly ever



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