满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

My aunt works in Beijing. I visited her ...

My aunt works in Beijing. I visited her during last summer vacation. Beijing is a beautiful city. A lot of foreigners go sightseeing there. My aunt and I got up early on Saturday morning and we went to the Great Wall by car. We returned to the center of the city at four and visited the Palace Museum. The next morning we went to the Summer Palace by bike. That afternoon, we rode to the Beijing Zoo. We saw pandas there. And after supper we took a bus to Beihai Park. We were tired, but I think we had a good time there.













The Summer Palace










Beihai Park




1.the Great Wall,      2. the Palace Museum       3. Beijing Zoo    4. bike     5.bus 【解析】略


       stay    angry     do    advice      different    

1.We’re ____▲_____  Tibet for two months.

2.  I have a lot of problems, can you give me some ____▲_____.

3.  Sally finished _____▲_____ her homework an hour ago.

4.  Don’t be late again or your teacher may be ____▲_____ .

5.  My eating habits are very __▲__ from my sister’s.




   Do you know how to __1__ (保持) healthy? Here are some good __2___(方法) for you. First, exercise every day, because it’s good for your __3__(健康). Then you need good eating __4__(习惯). For example, __5__ (试图,努力) to eat much healthy food and __6__ (喝) some milk. Next, don’t eat too much ­__7__(废弃物) food, once or __8__(两次) a week is enough. Finally, you can spend some time in the countryside, the __9__(大自然) will help you forget your __10__(问题)



Not only women wear skirts. Men can wear them, too. In Scotland (苏格兰), men wear a kilt – a kind of skirt. The kilt is their national dress.

   The kilt has checks (方格) and different colors, like red or blue. Each family in Scotland has its own colors. How did the Scotsmen (苏格兰男人) start to wear kilts. There is a story about it. Rawlinson had some workers from Scotland in his office and he thought their clothing got in the way of their work. So he cut their clothes into a shorter skirt.

   Today, they usually only wear them at weddings (婚礼) or big dinners. Only a few men wear a kilt every day. Scotsmen also wear kilts in big parties. The policemen still have skills as the dress uniforms, but they don’t wear them to catch the thieves.

1. A kilt is ______.

A. a hat            B. a shirt               C. a skirt             D. a sweater

2.In Scotland, different families have different _____ of kilts.

A. prices           B. colors               C. styles              D. checks

3. What does “got in the way of” mean?

A. 妨碍           B. 得到                C. 在路上            D. 到达

4.When do Scotsmen wear kilts?

A. At weddings     B. At big dinners          C. In big parties        D. All of above.

5.The story is about ________.

A. Scotsmen’s traditional kilts                  B. how to make kilts

C. what a kilt is                             D. how much the kilt is



Peter:   What are you doing for vacation, Steven?

Steven:  I’m visiting my aunt in San Francisco. My brother’s staying there. He’s joining a club.

Peter:   Oh? When are you going?

Steven:  Next Friday.

Peter:   How long are you staying?

Steven:  I’m staying at my aunt’s home for four days. I’m going sightseeing in San Francisco, and then I’m seeing

 all of my friends New York. How about you?

Peter:   I’m going to the beach and my friends and I are also going hiking for a few days.

Steven:  Aren’t you renting video tapes and relaxing at home?

Peter:   No, it’s boring. We like outside activities.

1.Peter is going _______ on his vacation.

A.   to Florida           B. riding            C. hiking           D. to San Francisco

2. Steven’s leaving ______ for vacation.

A. tomorrow            B. next month        C. next Monday     D. next year

3. Steven’s brother is staying ________.

A. at home              B. at school          C. in San Francisco   D. in New York

4.Steven is staying in his aunt’s house for ______.

A. a week               B. four days          C. several days      D. two days

5. Peter thinks that staying at home is _____.

A. interesting            B. boring             C. fun             D. exciting



Mrs Smart is going to take her son, Clark, to see an eye doctor, but Clark has school in the morning and piano classes on Monday and Friday afternoons. And Mrs Smart is free (空闲)only in the afternoon. Here are the doctor’s office hours.



1.Where are Mrs Smart and Clark going?

A. They’re going to the dentist.               B. They’re going to the supermarket

C. They’re going to see the eye doctor.         D. They’re going to the zoo.

2. When will be the best time for Mrs Smart to take Clark to see the doctor?

A. Monday            B. Tuesday           C. Wednesday         D. Friday

3.What does Clark do on Monday and Friday afternoons?

A. he has a toothache                       B. He has piano lessons    

C. He goes to the doctor.                    D. He has swimming lessons.

4.How many days a week does the doctor work in the morning?

A. Two days            B. Three days       C. Four days           D. Five days

5.Which day doesn’t the doctor work in a week?

A. Saturday             B. Sunday          C. Every day          D. Friday



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