满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

It’s polite (礼貌) to say “_________” to y...

It’s polite (礼貌) to say “_________” to your parents (父母) when you leave (离)home for school.

A. Goodbye          B. Hello            C. Good morning  


A 【解析】略

为了使同学们与人交往时举止更加文雅,你校学生会正在举办以‘How to behave well?’为主题的英语征文比赛,请你写一篇短文。(以上背景无需表述)










How to Behave Well

Behaving well is the secret of getting on well with others.













not support , zoo , care for , keep , good , hardly , surprise , for , much , be  suitable for

Yesterday I visited the Hong Shan Forest Zoo. I was  1   to find few people there.   2   are very important places. They provide homes  3   many endangered animals .They also help to educate the public about

  4  them . If we   5  our zoos, they won’t have enough money to take care of so  6   fine animals. Therefore, People should go and visit the zoos more often to learn about animals and help to protect them  7  .

However, some people don’t think so. They think zoos are terrible places for animals to live.“I’ve visited a lot of zoos in my life, and I have never seen one I like or one that  8 animals to live in .”Jenny said The animalsin small cages and can   10  move at all .What’s more, they are only given food once a week That’s terrible.



1. When you come to Yancheng, you can enjoy the BRT(快速公交). It’s ________ (舒适) and fast. How fast our city is developing!

2. Many people don’t want to live in Tokyo(东京) because of the Nuclear(核) _________ (污染).

3. This  his ______ (九) year in Sheyang. He loves living here. He loves everything here.

4. We are looking forward to his __________ (到达). He is a famous singer.

5. China’s __________ (人口) is becoming aging (老龄化的). We must take action to prevent it.

6. —What’s the w__________ like today?   —The radio says it’s sunny.

7. If you read more, you will get more k__________. Do you believe it?

8. Boys like watching ball games very much, e__________ the NBA. Those basketball players are really wonderful.

9. When you go for a picnic, remember “S_______ is first. Keep away from the dangerous places. ”

10. Everyone must know the i__________ of learning English. It’s used the most widely in the world now.

11. Many __________ (mouse) destroyed the crops near the village. The farmers were   catching them everywhere.

12. He is __________ (true) sorry that he failed to pass the exam. But I don’t believe him, and you?

13. Millie doesn’t dance as __________ (beautiful) as her sister. She hasn’t practice it for a long time.

14. I would like Liu Qian to teach _________ (we) how to play magic. We admire him very much. He is my hero.       

15. Juan Antonio Samaranch(萨马兰奇)’s __________ (die) was a great loss to the whole world. People loved him very much all over the world.



Now you’ve finished three years of English study. There’s one way to demonstrate(展示)what you’ve learned-take a test!

Do you have any special methods(方法) you use to help you do better on a test? How well you do is often a matter of how well prepared you are. Here are some ways to make sure you’re at your best on test days.

Go to bed early. The night before a test is not the time to stay up watching TV. You want to be rested and wide-awake for test day.

Have a good breakfast. Test day isn’t a morning for donuts(面包圈).Nor is it a time to starve yourself. Eat plenty of low-sugar, high-energy food to keep your brain and body working their best.

Be prepared, Make sure you have two pencils and anything else you were asked to bring.

Watch the numbers. Make sure that the number of the items(项目)on your answer sheet matches the number of the question.

Look over all the answer choices(选择). Don’t assume(假定)that choice A is correct until you’ve checked the others. You may find a better one. And it is wrong to eliminate(排除)any choice that you can see at once. You’ll have a better chance of finding the right answer.

Check the clock. Make sure you allow yourself enough time to answer every question and go back and check your answers .Don’t spend too much time on any difficult question .Skip(跳读)it and come back to it later.

Keep up with your school work all year long That’s how you get the skills you need for taking tests.


How to make sure that you can do     1  on test days


Things you do

Going to bed early

Not 3   up or being asleep for test day

Having a good breakfast

Eating   4    low-sugar, high-energy food

Being prepared

Remembering to  5  two pencils and

the    6  things you were asked to bring

Watching the numbers

The number of your answer should   7   the number of the question

Looking over all the choices

Don’t assume that the choice A is correct   8     

 you’ve checked the others

Checking the clock

  9   your time carefully and not spending too much on any difficult question

You will get the skills you need    10    you keep up with your schoolwork all year long




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