满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Zhang Ling’s father is a ___1___. He wor...

Zhang Ling’s father is a  ___1___. He works__2__ Monday to Friday. On weekdays he gets up at six and ___3__ breakfast at six twenty. He usually has ___4___ milk, some bread and an egg for breakfast. Sometimes he likes ____5__ newspapers at breakfast. He __6____home at about six forty—five. He goes to work by car. He has lunch at ___7___  office. He always has fast food. But __8_ he goes to a restaurant __9__ his friends. He comes home at half past six. In the evening he usually likes reading some books on computer. He __10___ watches TV.

(    )1. A.farmer        B.worker        C.nurse       D. driver

(     )2. A.at            B.on            C.from       D. in

(     )3. A.has           B.have          C.eat         D.drinks

(     )4. A.a glass        B.two glasses     C.a           D.a glass of

(     )5A..read          B.reading        C.reads        D.to reading

(     )6. A.leaves        B.goes           C.starts        D.leave

(     )7.A.him          B.his            C.our          D.us

(     )8.A.never        B.sometimes      C.usually      D. every day

(     )9. A.and          B.of             C.with         D.to

(     )10.A. usually      B.often           C.always       D.seldom


BCADB       ABBCD 【解析】略




A: Hi, Wang Tao ! Come here _____.

B: Sorry ,I can’t .

A: _______

B: I’m doing my homework ,

Go and ask Zhang Ming.

A: Thank you, ________

B: He is at home .

A: _______

C: Yes,come in,please. Hi,Li Bing.

A: Zhang Ming,do you want to play basketball with us?

C: Certainly ! ______ .





(   )1、Whose hair clips are these?              A、 Many girls have.

(   )2、Who has a rabbit in your class?           B、On the right of the house.

(   )3、How many boys are there in the park?     C、They are Lily’s.

(   )4、Where are the students?                 D、He is a doctor.

(   )5、What is his uncle?                      E、There are six.



--Are there ___________ birds in the tree?   --Yes, there are __________.

A、any, any        B、some, some    C、any, some      D、some, any



The school day ______ at half past seven every morning.

A.is begin          B. begins         C. is beginning     D.begin



There are two _______students in my school.

A. hundreds          B. hundred         C. hundreds of      D. hundred of



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