满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

To ______ surprise, I got an A in my Eng...

To ______ surprise, I got an A in my English test.






C 【解析】略


1 Amy是我最好的朋友。我认识她已经十年了。

2 她方脸,长鼻,明亮而微笑的眼睛,齐肩发。

3 她在任何时候乐意助人。常常帮我辅导作业。

4 长大后她想当社会工作者。

5 这样她可以听取人们的问题,并帮他们解决问题。

6 我们总是愿意分享彼此的欢乐和悲伤(sadness),我们将永远是好朋友。




take care of;   take…out of;  hide oneself;  at least;  frighten 

be willing to;   keep a secret;  vote for;   be afraid of;   say a bad word

1.Amy is a true friend. I can tell her anything because she can _____________.

2.I _________Max .he can to be our monitor. Because he is very excellent (优秀)

3.There are _______ seven hundred students in our school.

4.Who _________ the little boy just now? He’s crying all the time.

5.You are not strong, so you should learn_________ yourself well.

6.Don’t _______ the fish __________ the water. They can’t live without water.

7.The robber tried _________________in the house but was caught soon after.

8.Most children ___________ snakes.

9.Betty is generous. she ___________share things with her friends.

10.She is kind and never ____________ about anyone.






2. 丽丽想在她长大的时候当一位歌手并且环游世界。







1. Cycling is exciting. Skiing is exciting too. (合并成一句)

  Cycling is ___________ ___________ ___________ skiing.

2. He's friendly and helpful. (对划线部分提问)

________ is he ________?

3. There isn’t anything else in the fridge. (同义句)

  There is ___________ ___________ in the fridge.

4. Amy is the best girl in her class. (同义句)

  Amy is __________ than __________ __________ girl in her class.

5 You should walk your dog once a week. (对划线部分提问)

  _________ _________ you ________ your dog?

6. Walk the dog at 7 a.m..(改为否定句)

   ___________ ___________ the dog at 7 a.m..

7. This picture is more beautiful than those two pictures.(同义句)

  This picture is _______ ________ _________of the three pictures.

8 We stayed at home because it rained heavily. (同义句)(2分)

  We stayed at home ______________________.

9. Her sister is more careful than Ann. (同义句)

   Ann is not ______ _______ ________ her sister.



1. He is looking at the blackboard with his eyes open ___________(张大地)

2. There is nothing in the box. It’s _________.(空的)

3. I’m _________ (thin) than you.

4. His brother has two big eyes and looks very h_______.

5. Lily has a ______ (圆的)face with shoulder-length hair.

6. In this bookshop, we can buy many newspapers and m_________.

  7. He has bad _________ (视力)because of too much computer work at night.

8. My English teacher has a good sense of __________(幽默).

9. He is 1.80 meters in h__________(高度).

10. Is today a __________ (特别的) day?

11.What do you think of these ___________ (广告) on TV?.

12. I am _________ (will) to teach these children.

13. Yang Zhenning is one of ___________ (famous) scientists in China.

14. Which is __________ (hot) season of the year?

15 Laura is a lovely girl with __________ (smile) eyes.

16. Which city is __________ (far) to the sea, Beijing or Tianjin?



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