满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1 Jack is an able(能干的)worker.He can do a...

Jack is an able(能干的)worker.He can do all the work in the factory and often helps his boss(老板),Mr. King.So his boss likes him and he gets much money.But he likes drinking and spends most money on drinks.When he drinks much,he can’t control(控制)himself.His wife(妻子)tells him to stop drinking,but he doesn’t listen to her.She has to leave him.Now he lives in a poor and old house alone(独自).

One Saturday evening,Jack feels very cold in his house.He can’t stay there and goes into a bar(酒吧).He drinks a lot,but he doesn’t have enough money with him.

Of course,he can’t pay for the drinks.The boss of the bar doesn’t let him out,so he begins to break the glasses and tables.A girl calls the police station and soon some policemen get there.They have to take Jack to the station.

“What do you bring me here for?”he shouts.

 “We bring you here for drinking.”answers a policeman.

 “That’s great!”Jack says happily.“Then when shall we start?”

1.Jack can get much money because _______.

A. he is the boss

B. he works in the factory for a long time

C. the boss likes him

D. he is able enough to help the boss

2.Jack’s wife leaves him because _______.

A. he doesn't like her

B. he gets no money in the factory

C. he doesn’t stop drinking

D. he doesn’t do housework at home

3.Jack is happy because he thinks_______.

A. the policeman will drink with him

B. the policeman pay for his drink

C. the policeman will make friends with him   

D. the policeman wi1l give him some money


1.D 2.C 3.A 【解析】这是一个简短故事,主人公因酗酒家破人亡,最后因喝酒滋事被送入派出所。 1.细节理解题,根据第一段的内容“He can do all the work in the factory and often helps his boss(老板),Mr. King.So his boss likes him and he gets much money.”得知 2.细节理解题,由文句“His wife(妻子)tells him to stop drinking,but he doesn’t listen to her.She has to leave him.”可知。 3.推理判断题,根据““We bring you here for drinking.”answers a policeman。”  可知。

Tom is a middle school student. He is studying in Grade 7. He usually  1  at 7:00 o’clock in the morning. 2    today he gets up at 6:30 and goes to buy a big cake. After that he helps his grandparents clean their room, because it is his   ___3   birthday. His grandpa is going to be 78 years old.

Tom  4  two CDs about Beijing Opera(京剧)___5   his grandpa. He is sure his grandpa would like  6  very much, because his grandpa likes listening to Beijing Opera.

When Tom   7  home at noon, his mother is making noodles with his grandma. They are laughing and talking about something happily. His grandpa is drinking tea   8   listening to Beijing Opera.

Tom says, “Happy birthday to you, Grandpa!” Then he cuts the big cake and gives grandpa a   9   piece. Grandpa is very happy and eats it.

In the evening, Tom watches TV with his grandparents together. He is a little__  10   but very happy, because he can make his grandparents happy.

1.A. goes to school  B. gets up     C. watches TV   D. goes to bed

2.A. But             B. Because     C. So           D. Or

3.A. mother’s          B. father’s    C. grandpa’s   D. grandma’s

4.A. sees           B. listens to   C. watches      D. buys

5.A. to             B. for          C. with         D. at

6.A. it                 B. her          C. them         D. him

7.A. gets               B. buys         C. leaves       D. goes to

8.A. or                 B. but          C. and          D. so

9.A. light              B. bad          C. small        D. big

10.A. sad               B. tired        C. worried      D. excited



1No.6. Middle School is very beautiful. There are seven       teachers and  students in it.

A. thousand of     B. thousands of   C. thousand   D. thousands



1Students in China always have ________ homework every day.

A. too much      B. too many      C. much too       D. many too



1—       do you watch TV every day? — For about half an hour.

A. How much              B. How often        C. How long      D. How many



1What about _____ to the cinema with me?

A. to go          B. go         C. went         D. going



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