满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Xuanwu Lake is a ______ place in Nanjing...

Xuanwu Lake is a ______ place in Nanjing City and visitors always enjoy the ______ of it.

  A. beautiful; beautiful   B. beauty; beauty   C. beautiful; beauty   D. beauty; beautiful


C 【解析】略

A basketball final will______ in our school. Please come to cheer ______ our basketball team.

  A. take place; to   B. take place; for   C. hold; to   D. happen; for



Li Xiayu has a bad cold these days, ______ she still keeps studying English.

  A. but   B. and    C. so   D. or



—Did you have a great time _____ in Wang Guifei’s birthday party last weekend?

   — Yes. We enjoyed ourselves ourselves there.

  A. sing and dance    B. to sing and dance    C. singing and dancing    D. sang and danced



They looked _____ each other and kept their secret _____ themselves.

   A. for; to   B. at; for   C. at; to   D. out; at



Her mother often forgets _____ the door but this morning she remembered _____ it.

   A. to close…to close    B. closing … closing   C. to close …closing   D. closing … to close



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