满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

The pair of trainers is a little small. ...

The pair of trainers is a little small. Can you give me ______________?

   A. a cheaper one  B. another cheaper pair    C. the cheaper ones  D. cheaper ones


B 【解析】略

Don’t lose ________________computer games, little boys!

   A. yourself to      B. yourself in   C. yourselves to     D. yourselves in



I can’t decide to choose which of them to ________.

A. make a friend    B. make friends     C. make a friend with   D. make friends with



– Shanghai is larger than __________ city in China.

– Yes. And it is larger than __________ city in Jiangsu.

   A. any other, any                        B. any other, any other

   C. any, any other                        D. any, any



Could you tell me __________ in the future?

A. what will life be like                   B. what will life like

C. what life will be like                   D. what will life be likes



I hurt my leg badly, so I __________ go to school tomorrow.

   A. can           B. will be able to      C. won’t can      D. won’t be able to



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