满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

As we know,there 1 four seasons in China...

As we know,there      1    four seasons in China . It’s    2      in spring(春), hot in   3     , cool in autumn(秋) and cold in    4    . My    5   season is winter. Sometimes it snows(下雪). Everything is all white. The world    6    clean and fresh(新鲜). I can go skating then.

But Kitty likes summer     7      than winter. She says summer is    8     for sports. She can go   9    ,  sometimes in a lake and sometimes in a river. She    10    it very much .

1. A.  have            B. is              C. are              D. be

2. A.  warm           B. cool           C. cold            D. hot

3. A.  spring          B. summer       C. autumn        D. winter

4. A.  spring          B. summer       C. autumn        D. winter

5. A.  best             B. better          C. like best       D. favourite

6. A.  looks           B. watches       C. sees             D. looks at

7. A.  good            B. well           C. better           D. best

8. A.  bad             B. good            C. well          D. very

9. A.  swiming       B. swim           C. to swim       D. swimming

10. A.  enjoy          B. enjoys          C. wants          D. like


 C  A  B  D  D  A  C  B  D  B 【解析】略

Miss Gu teaches ______ English this term. We love ______ very much..

   A. our, he          B. us, she          C. our, him       D. us, her



It’ s 7 p.m. It’ s time ______ Tom ______  English. .  ‘

   A. of, to read     B. for, to read   C. for, reading       D. of, reading .



Do you know the answer _______ the question.

   A. to         B. of          C. at        D, in



______ there a map and two posters on the wall?

   A. Have          B. Has       .   C. Is                 D. Are



I  ______any water ______ bread in the fridge.

   A. don’t have, and         B.have, and      C. don’t have, or       D. am not have, or



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