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句子翻译 10分 1.不幸的是,我从自行车上摔了下来,弄伤了腿。 _______...

句子翻译  10分



2. Jim喜欢游泳。他每天花很多时间练习。


3. 美国的学校生活与英国学校的生活不一样。


4. 我们为什么不改打排球呢?





1、Unluckily, I fell off my bike and hurt my leg 2、Jim enjoys swimming and he spends much time practicing every day. 3、School life in the USA is different from the school life in the UK. 4、Why don’t we play basketball ? 5、Mike is very helpful . We all like to make friends with him . 【解析】略


1. Please get up ______ (quick), or you'll be late for school.

2. We did not enjoy it at the ______ (begin).

3. ______ (luck), he didn't hurt badly.

4. Thanks for ______ (keep) our secret

5.She wanted to be on the side of the ______ (win).

6. If you want to learn how to drive a car, you can have ___________ (drive) lessons.

7. I know something about the film. Can you tell me __________ (much)?

8. English is a very _________ (use) language in the world today.

9. Our school is a _______ (mix) one.

10. Do you agree _______(wash) clothes yourself ?



单词拼写( 10分)

1. It’s ____________(无用的) to read without thinking.

2. I love basketball very much,Michael Jordan and Yao Ming are my _____________(英雄).

3.Simon and Linda looked at each other and they kept their secret to _____________(他们).

4.We are now in the West Lake in Hangzhou and really feel the ______________ (美丽) of it.

5. If you want to come, please let us know as soon as ______________(可能的).

6. I can cook for ______ ( 我)

7. My mother makes me healthy and _______ ( 好吃的 ) meals.

8. He is very ________ ( 亲密) to his uncle.

9. The work is so _________(令人乏味的). I don’t like it.

10. They are great ________ ( 英雄). I admire them very much.



Alice is a young woman. She likes to exercise for her health. She walks five kilometers before breakfast every morning, and goes swimming twice a week at the swimming pool. She doesn’t smoke and never drinks wine(酒). She doesn’t eat chocolate, and she doesn’t eat sweet and fatty foods.

One day Alice was on her daily walk when she saw a man sitting in a chair. He looked very old and his hair was white. He looked thin and weak, and his hands were shaking(发抖), but he looked very happy.

He smiled at her and said, “ Good morning! Lovely day, isn’t it?”

He had a big smile on his face, and his eyes showed his happiness. But Alice saw that he had no teeth.

“Good morning!” said Alice. “Yes, it’s a lovely day.”

Alice thought he was old and clever. She thought he must be more than 90 years old. She wanted to ask him about the secret of a happy old age.

“Excuse me. But what is your secret for being so happy at your age? I hope I can look as happy as you do when I am your age.”

The man in the chair said, “My secret for happiness? I smoke every day, and drink three bottles of wine every day. I eat hamburgers, I eat chocolate and I never eat vegetables. I never walk anywhere and I never play sports. I sit and watch TV all day.”

Alice couldn’t understand. She wanted to know how the man got to be so old when he did everything wrong. She thought he should be sick and unhappy. Perhaps she was wrong. Maybe, she thought, people could live a long happy life without eating well and doing lots of sports. 

“How old are you?’ she asked.

“It’s my birthday today.” Said the man, “I am forty-seven.”

11. What does Alice like?

A. Smoking.        B. Drinking wines.        C. Eating unhealthy food.     D. Doing sports.

12. Which is WRONG about the old man?

A. He didn’t have any teeth.                     B. He was more than 90 years old.

C. He looked happy although he looked thin and weak.     D. He looked very old.

13. How often did the old man do sports?

A. Never.         B. Often.            C. Sometimes.            D. Every day.

14. How did Alice feel when he heard the old man’s secret for happiness?

A. Happy.        B. Interested.         C. Excited.              D. Surprised.

15. After the old man told Alice about his age, Alice knew         .

A. the man was in good health for his age        

B. the man had a healthier lifestyle than her

C. a good lifestyle was important for one’s health   

D. people could live a long life without a good lifestyle




#117: Some people like to have friends who are different from them. Others like to have friends who are similar to them. What kind of friends do you want for yourself?


Join Date: March, 2010

Location: the United Kingdom

I like to have friends who are like me. Both my best friend Vades and I like traveling. We went to Italy last month and stayed there for a week. Next month we want to go to Paris. However, Vades is more athletic than me. 


Join Date: April, 2010

Location: Canada 

I like to have friends who are like me. It can be very helpful. I’m a little quiet and my good friend Libby is quiet, too. Sometimes I don’t know what to do with my problems and she can tell me what I should do, because she knows about me better than people who are different from me.


Join Date: May, 2010

Hi, everyone! I had a cold last week and just got here. In my opinion, it is important to have both kinds of friends. That makes your life more interesting.

6. Where is Kate going next month?

   A. To the USA.         B. To the UK.        C. To Italy.            D. To France.

7. What’s Libby like?

  A. She’s as beautiful as Ditlady.          B. She’s more outgoing than Ditlady.

  C. She’s as quiet as Ditlady.             D. She’s more athletic than Ditlady.

8. What was the matter with Harbinger last week?

  A. He had a cold.                       B. He had a headache.

  C. He had a fever.                       D. He had a toothache.

9. What kind of friends does Harbinger like to have?

A. Those who are different from him.        B. Those who are the same as him.

C. He doesn’t like to make friends.          D. He likes to have different kinds of friends.

10. What does the underlined word “similar” mean?

A. 一致的          B. 相似的          C. 友好的           D. 简单的




A wedding(婚礼) Invitation

 You’re invited to the wedding of Carrie and Henry at St John’s Church(教堂), on Saturday January 24th at 3:30 p.m. and dinner at the Blue Sky Restaurant, at 6:00p.m.

                                        R.S.V.P: December 29th


Dear Joe,

   I’m so excited and I have to enjoy the news with you. Today is December 23rd, I got a very special invitation from Carrie before Christmas Day(圣诞节). Do you remember the party for the Sydney group at Henry’s house? And do you remember my best friend, Carrie? Well, guess what? Carrie and Henry are getting married? It’s so romantic! Love is here!

  Carrie and Henry are having a big wedding at St. John’s Church. Monica and James are going to their wedding. Oh, I can’t wait to enjoy it. I got the invitation and it is for two people. Can you come to the wedding with me?

  Carrie and Henry are going to Suzhou for their honey moon(蜜月). I’m buying them a camera for their wedding. But before the wedding, I’d like to get my hair cool and buy a pink dress first.

  Call me at 9:00 a.m., on Friday, January 23rd, OK?


6ec8aac122bd4f6e1. Maria got this wedding invitation from          .

   A. Carrie.           B. Joe.            C. Monica.             D. James

2. Monica and James are taking part in the wedding on          .

   A. Friday morning.    B. Friday afternoon.   C. Saturday morning.   D. Saturday afternoon.

3 . What does “getting married” mean in Chinese?

   A. 参加聚会        B. 过圣诞节        C. 做礼拜           D. 结婚

4. The friends to the wedding party are going to have dinner         .

   A. in Suzhou.        B. at Henry’s house    C. at St John’s Church  D. at the Blue Sky Restaurant

5. From the invitation card, we know that         .

   A. Monica is having fun in Suzhou.           B. they are having the wedding in January.

   C. Monica is going to buy a camera for Joe     D. the wedding dinner starts at 7:00 p.m.



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