满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

That’s ________football.I like playing _...

That’s ________football.I like playing ________football very much.

    A.a:the           B.a:/            C.a:a          D.the;/


B 【解析】略

实施规范办学以后,学生自主学习的时间多了。假设学校英语俱乐部委托你做一项关于“实施规范办学以后,学生怎样利用双休日”的问卷调查,请根据下列图表中的调查数据,以“A Report on Weekend Activities” 为题,用英语写一篇短文,简单介绍调查情况并发表自己的看法(至少两点)。






      4.参考词汇:对……做调查: do an investigation on…

                           A Report on Weekend Activities

Since the regular school- running policy was performed, the students now have more free time on Saturday and Sundays. So the English Club in our school invited me to                                             







句子翻译  10分



2. Jim喜欢游泳。他每天花很多时间练习。


3. 美国的学校生活与英国学校的生活不一样。


4. 我们为什么不改打排球呢?







1. Please get up ______ (quick), or you'll be late for school.

2. We did not enjoy it at the ______ (begin).

3. ______ (luck), he didn't hurt badly.

4. Thanks for ______ (keep) our secret

5.She wanted to be on the side of the ______ (win).

6. If you want to learn how to drive a car, you can have ___________ (drive) lessons.

7. I know something about the film. Can you tell me __________ (much)?

8. English is a very _________ (use) language in the world today.

9. Our school is a _______ (mix) one.

10. Do you agree _______(wash) clothes yourself ?



单词拼写( 10分)

1. It’s ____________(无用的) to read without thinking.

2. I love basketball very much,Michael Jordan and Yao Ming are my _____________(英雄).

3.Simon and Linda looked at each other and they kept their secret to _____________(他们).

4.We are now in the West Lake in Hangzhou and really feel the ______________ (美丽) of it.

5. If you want to come, please let us know as soon as ______________(可能的).

6. I can cook for ______ ( 我)

7. My mother makes me healthy and _______ ( 好吃的 ) meals.

8. He is very ________ ( 亲密) to his uncle.

9. The work is so _________(令人乏味的). I don’t like it.

10. They are great ________ ( 英雄). I admire them very much.



Alice is a young woman. She likes to exercise for her health. She walks five kilometers before breakfast every morning, and goes swimming twice a week at the swimming pool. She doesn’t smoke and never drinks wine(酒). She doesn’t eat chocolate, and she doesn’t eat sweet and fatty foods.

One day Alice was on her daily walk when she saw a man sitting in a chair. He looked very old and his hair was white. He looked thin and weak, and his hands were shaking(发抖), but he looked very happy.

He smiled at her and said, “ Good morning! Lovely day, isn’t it?”

He had a big smile on his face, and his eyes showed his happiness. But Alice saw that he had no teeth.

“Good morning!” said Alice. “Yes, it’s a lovely day.”

Alice thought he was old and clever. She thought he must be more than 90 years old. She wanted to ask him about the secret of a happy old age.

“Excuse me. But what is your secret for being so happy at your age? I hope I can look as happy as you do when I am your age.”

The man in the chair said, “My secret for happiness? I smoke every day, and drink three bottles of wine every day. I eat hamburgers, I eat chocolate and I never eat vegetables. I never walk anywhere and I never play sports. I sit and watch TV all day.”

Alice couldn’t understand. She wanted to know how the man got to be so old when he did everything wrong. She thought he should be sick and unhappy. Perhaps she was wrong. Maybe, she thought, people could live a long happy life without eating well and doing lots of sports. 

“How old are you?’ she asked.

“It’s my birthday today.” Said the man, “I am forty-seven.”

11. What does Alice like?

A. Smoking.        B. Drinking wines.        C. Eating unhealthy food.     D. Doing sports.

12. Which is WRONG about the old man?

A. He didn’t have any teeth.                     B. He was more than 90 years old.

C. He looked happy although he looked thin and weak.     D. He looked very old.

13. How often did the old man do sports?

A. Never.         B. Often.            C. Sometimes.            D. Every day.

14. How did Alice feel when he heard the old man’s secret for happiness?

A. Happy.        B. Interested.         C. Excited.              D. Surprised.

15. After the old man told Alice about his age, Alice knew         .

A. the man was in good health for his age        

B. the man had a healthier lifestyle than her

C. a good lifestyle was important for one’s health   

D. people could live a long life without a good lifestyle



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