满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—_______? —He’s a tall man with short ha...

—_______?    —He’s a tall man with short hair.

   A. How is he         B. What does he like    C. What is he       D. What does he look like


D 【解析】略

________honest girl! She is________ best student in our class.

    A.How;a         B.How an;a       C.What a;me        D.what an;the



提示: Linda在北京短留期间,和表妹Kitty进行了多方面的交谈,也过得很愉快。回到美国以后



2.由于Kitty经常考试,她时常苦于压力,感到心烦意乱。告诉她放松的方法有很多:可在周末走进大自然,欣赏季节变化带来的美景。或者 …….






Dear Kitty

Thank you and Mr Wu for inviting me to your school trip to Beijing World Park.


______ ____________________________________________________________________


_____________________ ____________________________________________________

_____________________________ ____________________________________________

Please e-mail me soon!










5. 那首歌总让我想起去年的生日聚会。




1. Simon hates to be like others, so he always does everything ________ (不同).

2. Making a lot of noise and______________(打扰)others are impolite.

3. Do you have any  ____________(困难) with your studies these days?

4. —Who is Daniel _____________(争论) with?  —His best friend, Simon.

5. His mother is much ___________ ( 严格的 ) with him than his father.

6. They are wet all over __________(可能)because of the heavy rain.

7. He wanted to join the club,but was________(拒绝).

8. My penfriend in the USA hasn’t ________ (答复) to my last three e-mails yet.

9. My twin brothers ___________(更喜欢) to walk to school when they were in high school.

10. You shouldn’t leave a child        (单独)in the house.



Napping(小睡) after learning something new could help improve your memory--- as long as you dream, scientists say.

   They found people who dream about a new task do it better on waking than those who do not sleep or do not dream.

Volunteers were asked to learn the layout(布局,设计) of a 3D computer maze(迷宫) so they could find their way several hours later. Those allowed to take a pap and who also remembered dreaming of the task, found their way to a landmark quicker.

   The researchers think the dreams are a sign that unconscious(无意识的) parts of the brain are working hard to process information about the task..

   Dr. Robert Stickgold of Harvard Medical School, said dreams may be a marker that the brain is working on the same problem at many levels.

   Study tips

   Co-author Dr. Erin Wamsley said the study suggests our non-conscious brain works on the things that it deem(认为) are the most important.

   “Every day we are gathering lots of information and new experiences,” she said. “It would seem that our dreams are asking the question, “How do I use this information to inform(影响) my life?”

   The scientists say there may be ways to use this phenomenon(现象) for improving learning and memory. For example, students might be better studying hard before bedtime, or taking a nap after a period of afternoon study.


1. Scientists say ______ could help improve your memory.

   A. dream     B. nap          C. nap and dream       D. nap without dream

2. What were volunteers asked to do?

  A. Take a nap.   B. Dream a task.   C. Learn about 3D computer.    D. Find their way out of a maze.

3.Which is right about dreams?

   A. They are a sign that parts of the brain is unconscious.

   B. They can help us fall asleep and improve learning and memory.

C. They tell us how to use this information to inform our life.

D. They may be a marker that the brain is working on the same problem.

4.When is the best time for study?

   A. Before bedtime.    B. After bedtime.    C. Before taking a nap.   D. In the afternoon.



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