满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1 Sarah is from France. She lives in Par...

Sarah is from France. She lives in Paris. She can speak French and English, but she can’t speak Chinese. She has a pen pal in the United States. Her name is Jane and she lives in New York. Sarah’s favorite sport is basketball and she can play the guitar, too. Jane’s favorite sport is tennis. She can’t play the guitar, but she can play the piano and sing.

1.Sarah comes from _______.

A. France  B. Australia  C.the United States  D.the UK

2.Jane is _______.

A.a Chinese  B.a Korean  C.an American  D.a Japanese

3.What language does Sarah speak?

A.French  B.Chinese  C.English  D.A and C.

4.What is Sarah’s favorite sport?

A.Tennis  B.Soccer   C.Volleyballl  D.Basketball

5.Which sentence is NOT right?

A. Sarah has a pen pal in the USA.

B. Sarah can play the piano and Jane can play the guitar.

C. Sarah and Jane like different sports

D. Jane lives in New York.


1.A 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.B 【解析】略

We have a big playground in our school .We all like to __1__ games __2___ after school .It’s Friday .We have only two classes __3___ the afternoon . __4___ school is over(结束的),a lot of students go to the playground quickly.  The boys of Grade Two often __5___ soccer. The girls like __6___  them playing .Soccer is their favorite sport . Their teacher Mr Li also __7___ football. Li Ming , Li Lei and Wei Fang are students of Grade One .They sometimes play __8___ the students of Class Two. It’s half past five __9___ . It’s time __10___ dinner . My father is waiting for me at the school gate .

1.A. do        B. make         C. play          D. have

2.A. there     B. at there     C. at here       D. in there

3.A. on        B. in           C. at            D, of

4.A. Where     B. What         C. When          D. How

5.A. have      B. make         C. do            D. play

6.A. seeing    B. looking      C. watching      D. reading

7.A. playing   B. plays        C. to play       D. play

8.A. to        B. of           C. with          D. in

9.A. here      B. now          C. then          D. soon

10.A. has       B. to have      C. having        D. have



1I have two story-books. One is for you and ______ is for your sister.

A.another   B.other  C.the other  D.others



1Koalas get up and _____ at night.

A.eats leaf   B.eat leaf   C.eats leaves   D.eat leaves



1We enjoy the ______ streets. We don’t like the busy ones.

A.quiet   B.busy  C.scary   D.sad.



1The sunlight goes_____the window.

A.through  B.at  C.along  D.across.



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