满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

My name 31 Bill. I’m 32 English boy. I’m...

My name  31  Bill. I’m  32  English boy. I’m twelve. I’m a middle school student. Li Lei is my  33  . We’re in the same class. Here is a photo  34  his family. Look, this is his  35  . He is a policeman. His  36  is a teacher of English. She is a good teacher. Li Lei has   37  sisters.   38  are twins(双胞胎). Their  39  are Fang Fang and Yuan Yuan. They have a cat. We are good  40  ,too.

1.A. am         B. is        C. are          D. call

2. A. a          B. an       C. \             D. the

3. A. brother     B. cousin    C. friend         D. teacher

4.A. at         B. in        C. of            D. for

5.A. parents     B. mother    C. grandparents   D. father

6. A. parents     B. mother    C. grandparents   D. father

7.A. a          B. one       C. two          D. three

8.A. She        B. He       C. We           D. They

9.A. name      B. names     C. family names   D. first name

10.A. family     B. parents    C. friends         D. names


1.B 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.C 【解析】略


A.name B.have C.game D.cake



在市场上购买衣服时,你看到的表示“中”号的字母代表是(     )      

A.  S             B.  L            C.  M             D.  XL



Thanks ________ the photo of your family.

       A. of        B. from        C. for           D. at



Let’s ___ and play games.  

A. go     B. to go      C. going      D. goes



Mary sings _________. 

         A. well      B. good     C. very good     D. nice



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