满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

When we look at the moon through a teles...

When we look at the moon through a telescope(望远镜), we can see lines and circles(圆形物). People used to(过去常常) think that this was the moon’s face and that there was a man in the moon! This is not true. There is no man in the moon.

  What do we know about the moon? First of all, the moon is much smaller than the earth. Days and nights on the moon are very long. One day on the moon is as long as two weeks on the earth. One night is also as long as two weeks on the earth. In the daytime the moon is very hot and at night is very cold.

1.On the moon ____________.

      A. there is a man             B. there is a woman 

C. there are a lot of people     D. there is no man

2.Now we know _____________________.

      A. some facts about the moon  B. nothing about the moon

      C. little about the moon   D. few facts about the moon

3.Which of the following is true?

      A. The moon is bigger than the earth. 

B. The earth is much bigger than the moon.

      C. The moon is as big as the earth.  

D. The earth isn’t as big as the moon.  

4. One day on the moon is as long as ______________.

      A. seven days on the earth   B. fourteen days on the earth.

      C. 240 hours on the earth   D. two years on the earth

5.The moon is very hot _____________.

A. all the time           B. during the night 

C. in the daytime        D. at night and in the daytime


1.D 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 【解析】略

Mrs. Ball had a son. His name was Mick. She  26 him very much and as(因为)he was not a  27 child, she was always afraid that he might  28 ill.  29 she usually took him to see the best  30  in the town four times a year and asked the doctor to look  31 the son.

   During one of these  32 , the doctor gave Mick all kinds of tests(检查) and then said to him, “Do you have any trouble with your nose or ears ?” Mick  33 for a second and then answered, “Yes, I  34 _.”

  Mrs. Ball was very  35 . “But I’m sure you have  36 told me that, Mick!” she said worriedly. “Oh, really?” said the doctor  37 . “And what trouble do you have  38 your nose and ears, my boy?” “Well,” answered Mick. “I always have trouble with them when I’m  39 my sweater off,  40  the collar (领子) is very tight (紧的).”

1.A.loved   B.hated  C.missed  D.cared

2.A.rich    B.clever  C.strong  D.happy

3.A.is      B.are   C.be    D.were

4.A.Which  B.Of    C.But   D.So

5.A.player   B.teacher  C.doctor  D.1awyer  

6.A.after    B.over    C.for    D.at

7.A.talkers  B.times   C.visitors  D.stays

8.A.waited   B.thought  C.stood   D.looked

9.A.did     B.do     C.does   D.doing

10.A.excited   B.interested C.pleased   D.surprised

11.A.already  B.just    C.never   D.always

12.A.angrily  B.seriously C.happily  D.hardly

13.A.for      B.at     C.of      D.with

14.A.turning  B.taking  C.keeping   D.putting

15.A.because   B.but   C.although D.till



My sister is ____ more outgoing than me. 

A. more      B. most     C. a little    D. little



---_________is it from our school to the subway station? 

--- About 8 miles.

     A. How long B. How far  C. How often D. How much



-- Who's singing in the next room?  

--- It ____ be her . She went to New York yesterday evening

     A. can't           B. must          C. shouldn't         D. can



Do you know _____?    

A. where does Nina live      B. where Nina lives 

C. where is Nina live          D. where does Nina lives



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