满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Hello, friend! My name is Rose. I’m an E...




Hello, friend!

My name is Rose. I’m an English girl. I’m twelve. I’m from London. Now I’m in Sydney. Do you know Sydney? It’s a big city in Australia(澳大利亚). I’m in No.1 Middle school. I’m in Class Two, Grade One.

   There are forty students in our class--21 girls and 19 boys. My teachers are nice to me. I like drawing and running. My family are in Sydney, too. My father is a doctor. My mother is a worker in a shop. They’re busy(忙)  

I like China. Please write to me soon.                      

Yours ,                                                                       Rose

1.Is Rose English or Australian?

A. Yes, she is.        B. No, she isn’t.    C.She’s English.       D. She’s Australian.

2.How many students are there in Class Two?   

A. 40.                B. 21.             C. 19.               D. 50.

3.Where is Sydney?

A. It’s in China.     B. It’s in England.    C. It’s in Australia.       D. It’s in America.


1.C 2.A 3.C 【解析】略




1.There are _______notices in the Lost And Found.

           A. 3            B. 4                C.              D. 5

2.Linda lost____.

A a ruler       B. a set of keys        C. a watch      D. a pencil case

3.You lost your watch. Who should you call?

A .Jenny           B. Sam           C. Mike         D. Linda



Look at this picture. This is a photo   31  my family. There are  32  people in the picture. They are my   33  , my mother, my brother, my sister and me. My father   34    very happy every day. My mother is near my father. The __35    beside (在……旁边) my mother is my brother. He 36   play sports. The little girl near my mother is my   37  .   38  is very smart and cute. Everyone likes   39     very much. Who is   40  boy in the middle (在中间)? Ah! It is me. I love my family very much.

1. A. for            B. on           C. of               D.in

2. A.seven         B.six            C.five             D. three

3.A. mother      B.father            C. grandfather       D.grandmother

4. A. are            B. am           C. is               D.does

5. A.girl       B. boy              C. son              D.man

6. A. likes         B. don’t          C. doesn’t           D. like

7.A.brother       B. sister          C. son              D.cousin

8. A. He             B. She          C. They             D. It

9. A.her             B.she            C. she’s             D.he

10.A. a          B. these             C. the              D.an



---: Would you like some hamburgers?

---: ______________ .I am full. I can’t eat any more.

A. Yes, please        B. Sure   C. No, thanks       D. Not at all.



— ________ your mother watch TV every day?

        — ________ . She doesn’t like watching TV.

  A. Do; No, she doesn’t                    B. Does; No, she doesn’t  

C. Do; Yes, she does                      D. Does; Yes, she does



Mum,          my teacher, Mr Wang.

A. he is             B. it is         C. that is        D. this is



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