满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1.My uncle lives in New York. (画线提问) ___...


1.My uncle lives in New York. (画线提问)

 _______   _______ your uncle live?

2.What is your sister (改为同义句)

What           your sister              ?

3.Anna’s mother works in a hospital.(改为否定句)

Anna’s mother                     in a hospital.

4.Please give me a book. (改为同义句)

Please         a book          me.

5. He sleeps 8 hours every day. (改为一般疑问句)

               he             8 hours every day?


1.Where  does 2.does  do 3.doesn’t  work 4.give  to 5.Does  sleep 【解析】略


1.Three                 (孩子) are having lunch.

2.My father doesn’t like my job because it’s too ______________(危险).

3.How many ___________ (图书馆) are there in your school?

4.Mr Wang          (教) us science.

5.The             (开始)of the story is kind of scary.

6.Please write and tell me about   ___     . (你自己)

7.I want to be a singer because it is a             (放松的) job.

8.The shop is            (开着的) from 8:00am to 9:00pm.

9.My pen pal is          .(法国人)

10.The supermarket is           (后面)the post office.



Miss Brown is from 46      ( 加拿大).She is an English teacher in No.2 Middle School of Zhuji.She likes 47      (居住) here. She thinks Zhuji is a  48           (美丽的) city. But she doesn’t know   49     (许多) Chinese. So she  50       (去) to Chinese classes every week. She works very  51         (努力地).Now she can   52       (谈论)about something  53      ( 用) Chinese. She always says the Chinese people are very   54   . (友好的) and like to help 55     .(其他的人)



When you travel(旅游) in Hong Kong, you must be careful of the traffic(交通) rules, because the traffic keeps to the left and it’s different from that of the interior(内地) of China. Before crossing the street, you must look to the right and then to the left. If the traffic lights are red, the traffic must stop, people can go across the zebra line.(斑马线) If the traffic lights turn green , the traffic can go, and people mustn’t cross the road.

  In the morning and in the evening, when people go to or come from work, the streets are very busy. The traffic is the most dangerous.

  When you go somewhere by bus in Hong Kong, you have to be careful, too. Always remember the traffic keeps to the left. Have a look first, or you may go the wrong way. In Hong Kong, there are a lot of big buses with two floors. You’d better sit on the second floor. From there you can watch the city very well. How interesting !

1.In Hong Kong the traffic moves __________.

A. on the right       B. on the left    C. in the middle     D. in the park

2.When you cross the street, you must look to ____ first.

A. the front         B. the right      C. the left          D. B and C

3.If the traffic lights are red,  _______.

A. the people must stop               B. the traffic must stop

C. the people and the traffic must stop   D. the traffic and the people must wait

4.It is ______ to cross the streets in the morning and in the evening.

A. dangerous        B. interesting      C. easy        D. safe

5.You can see the city very well on the _____ floor of the bus.

A. first             B. second         C. third        D. fourth



Pit-a-pat. Pit-a-pat. It’s raining. “I want to go outside and play, Mum,” Robbie says, “When can the rain stop?” His mum doesn’t know what to say. She hopes the rain can stop, too. “You can watch TV with me,” she says. “No, I just want to go outside.” “①Put on your raincoat.” “Does it stop raining?” “No, but you can go outside and play in the rain. Do you like that?” “Yes, mum.” He runs to his bedroom and puts on his red raincoat. “Here you go. Go outside and play.” Mum opens the door and says. Robbie runs into the rain. Water goes ②here and there. Robbie’s mum watches her son. He is having so much fun. “Mum, come and play with me!” Robbie calls. The door opens and his mum walks out. She is in her yellow raincoat. Mother and son are out in the rain for a long time. They play all kinds of games in the rain.

1. What does Robbie want to do on the rainy day?

A. Help his mother.   B. Watch TV.   C. Wear his raincoat    D. Go out.

2.What does the underlined phrase(短语) mean in Chinese?

A. ①放上②到处        B.①穿上②这里和那里

C. ①穿上②到处        D.①放上②这里和那里

3. Robbie has a        day that day.

A. happy           B. scary         C. dangerous      D. boring

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The raincoat can stop the rain.   

B. The color of Robbie’s raincoat is red.

C. Robbie first watches with his Mum

D. Robbie’s mum doesn’t wear a raincoat in the rain.

5.Which is the best title(标题)for the passage?

A. It’s raining  B.Fun in the rain

C. Robbie and His mother D. Robbie’s raincoat



Come and see the India elephants and the new tigers from America. The bears are waiting to meet you, and the monkeys from China are waiting to throw(扔) things to you. The lovely dogs from Australia are waiting to laugh at you. The giraffes from Brazil are waiting to look down on you.

Tickets                             Open time

Grown-up:(成人)$2.00             9:00a.m—4:00p.m

Children :over 12 $1.00                Except(除)Friday

Under12 Free(免票)                  10:00a.m—3:00p.m

Keep the zoo clean!

Don’t touch(触摸) , give good food or go near the animals!

1.How many kinds of animals are talked about in the passage?

A. four         B. five          C. six         D. seven

2.Now Mr Smith is in the zoo with his two sons,one is14 and the other is 10 .How much are the tickets together(总共)?

A.$4.00            B. $2.00        C. $3.00        D. $10.00

3.Which of the following is the visiting time?

A.8:30am Monday B.9:30am Friday  C.3:00pm Sunday  D.5:00pm Tuesday

4.From the passage we can guess the animal “giraffe ”must be very________.

A.fat              B.long          C.strong             D.tall

5.Which of the following can we do in the zoo?

A. to give some food to the fish    B. to touch the monkey on the head

C. to throw things everywhere      D. to keep the zoo clean



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