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Welcome to the White House Hotel Special...


Welcome to the White House Hotel

 Special(特价): now get 3 nights at the price of 21!

 Enjoy the beautiful English countryside when you stay with us ---we are in an 18th century(世纪) house in the middle of pretty green hills and gardens --- near many of the famous places to see in the Lake District. Go for a boat ride, or walk along the country roads. 

Try traditional English afternoon tea in the villages nearby.

Prices: May—June :$ 40 every person, every night.

      July—August: $50 every person, every night.

              (All prices are bed + breakfast)

1.You can probably read the passage in ______.

       A. a newspaper   B. a notebook   C. a story book   D. a dictionary 

2.How much will it cost(花费) for two people to stay from 20 to 22 August? 

       A. $150   B. $200   C. $250   D. $400

3.All prices are for_______.  

       A. bed and breakfast        B. bed and dinner 

       C. bed and a boat ride       D. breakfast and a boat ride


1.A 2.B 3.A 【解析】略

Mary is an American girl. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smith find work in China. So they live in Wuhan now. Mr. Smith works in a big shop. Mrs. Smith teaches English in a middle school. Mary goes to that school on weekdays. On Sundays she goes shopping with her mother. She likes dumplings very much. Every time they’d like many dumplings. It’s 6:30 in the evening now. Mrs.


Smith is cooking. Mr. Smith is helping her with the housework. What’s Mary doing? She is doing her homework carefully. 

1.Mary is in ______ now.  

    A. America  B. England   C. Chinese   D. Wuhan 

2.______ go shopping on Sundays.   

A. Mr. and Mrs. Smith                B. Mr. Smith and Mary  

C. Mrs. Smith and Mary               D. The Smith family



Why are you always tired, do you know?

    First, if(如果) we can’t   31   well, we will(将) be tired. But we are often too   32   . We can’t finish our work in the day   33   we have to do it at night. We go to bed    34   and we get up early in the morning for school or work. Most people need at least(至少) eight   35   or some more. If we sleep for only five or six hours a night, we will be tired.

    Second, when we are ill, we will be tired. But we don’t know we are ill. So if you are always tired, maybe you are not so    36   . You’d better go to see a    37   .

    Third, maybe you eat    38    food, like hamburgers, meat, chocolate or coffee. If you are ill and tired after eating some food, please don’t eat it    39    to see if you are well. 

    At last, if the air around you isn’t nice and clean, you will feel tired. So please open your windows often or go out for a walk and you will feel    40    .

1.A. sleep        B. study         C. drink           D. eat 

2.A. busy         B. free          C. lazy(懒惰的)    D. angry 

3.A. because      B. if             C. so            D. although 

4.A. early         B. late           C. quick         D. quiet  

5.A. days         B. months        C. hours         D. minutes 

6.A. ill           B. nice           C. good         D. healthy 

7. A. movie        B. friend         C. teacher        D. doctor 

8.A. too much     B. too many       C. much too      D. many too

9.A. too          B. again          C. also           D. once 

10.A. better        B. best           C. good          D. well



--_____does it take you to get to your school from your home?   

       --About 20 minutes by bus.

   A. How about     B. What time     C. How long     D. How far



Mary is _____ than her cousin. 

     A. friendly      B. friendlyer      C. more friendly     D. most friendly



-- Would you like to come to my birthday party?    

       -- _____

     A. Yes, please     B. No, I don’t     C. No, I’m busy     D. Yes, I’d love to



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