满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1-Do you know______ man in white? -Oh, h...

1-Do you know______ man in white? 

-Oh, he is_________ scientist from America.

A. a; a              B. a; the             C. the, a              D. the; the


C 【解析】略

假如你是Jill ,你的朋友Sally病了,头痛且发烧(have a fever),而且这次考试没考好。你发一封e-mail安慰她,并让她去看医生,多喝水,好好休息,不要失去信心(don’t lose heart),努力学习,争取下次取得好成绩。




Dear Sally,

I’m sorry to hear that you’re not feeling well. ______________________________






  Best wishes!  





根据对话内容,获取有关信息,替Ann 写一封邀请信。填在下面相应位置。

A: Hello. May I speak to Li Lei?

B: Speaking. Is that Jim?

A: Yes, Li Lei. It’s Thursday now. We’ll go to Ann’s birthday party the day after tomorrow. Shall we go to Ann’s home together?

B: All right. But how shall we go there?

A: Why not ride bikes? It takes about twenty minutes to get there from our school by bike. Let’s meet at the school gate, shall we?

B: OK. Let’s meet there at five o’clock and we can get there ten minutes before the party starts.

A: That’s a good idea.


It’s a (1)______________________________________

From whom: (2)_________________________________

Day: (3)______________________________________

Time: (4)_____________________________________

Place: (5)_______________________________________

Come and have fun!





1.It’s only six ________(minute)to walk from my home to the park.

2.It ________(take)me half an hour to get to school by bike.

3.Most of ________(they) often go to work by train.

4.Jim always __________(forget) to come here on time.

5.There _________(be) some milk in the cup.




1.Do you have a ________(健康的) lifestyle?

2.Brain is ________(安静) than most of the students in his class.

3.Alice is _________(临时照顾) her uncle’s daughter.

4.My father enjoys watching football ________(比赛).

5.My brother likes the life in the open air(户外). So he often goes _______(宿营).

6.I need _________(五十) people to help me with the project(项目).

7.I think it ___________(有必要的) for children to know the history of Shaoxing.

8.There are only six ___________(乘客)on the bus now.

9.Who is _______(滑稽的、有趣的), Kate or Jim? 

10.Traditional Chinese medicine is very popular in _________(西方的) countries.



Monday…..oh, I don’t like Monday because I will(将) have to go back to school again after the weekend. Tuesday is not so bad. I usually play tennis with my friends after school. On Wednesday evening I don’t go out. I stay at home and do my homework. I like Thursday because the next day is Friday. I always go out on Friday –maybe to the cinema. I love the weekend. On Saturday I stay in bed until lunchtime, and I sometimes go to the shops in the afternoon. In the evening we go to a club—there are good bands there every Saturday. Then on Sundays I go to my friend’s house or she comes to mine. I usually visit my grandmother for an hour in the afternoon. Then the weekend is over and it’s Monday…. And I feel bad again!

1.The writer doesn’t like the Monday because _________

        A. Monday is the first day of a week   

        B. he just spent(度过) a happy weekend 

        C. Monday is the first school day of a week  

        D. he will have many lessons on Monday

2. The writer thinks Tuesday is not so bad because _______

        A. he can play tennis with his friends   B. he has no homework to do

        C. he has a P.E. class                D. he is free 

3. The writer may go to the movies on _______

        A. Monday   B. Tuesday   C. Wednesday   D. Friday 

4.What does the writer NOT do on weekends? 

        A. Stay in bed until lunchtime    B. Watch football games on TV  

        C. Go to his friend’s house       D. Go shopping in the markets

5. From the text, we know that the writer _______

        A. doesn’t like school very much   B. likes to stay at home   

        C. only likes Friday   D. only likes Saturday



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