满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

请按照所给的成绩报告单完成下面的这封信。开头已给出: Dear parents,...


Dear parents,

I got my report card yesterday. I did OK in some subjects. My math teacher said










略 【解析】略


The 30th Olympic host city, London is opening its arms to the world. It is the capital city of the UK .It has the history of 2000 years. Today London is a big city with 7 million people. They are from all parts of the world. Their ways of life are not the same but harmonious(和谐的).Their favorite food is pie and mashed potatoes.


The capital 1.         of the UK

 The 30th Olympic   host city

The history of London

2.            years

The population (人口) of London

3.           million

The ways of life

4.            but harmonious

The favorite food

5.          and mashed potatoes




A. But I argued with my best friend yesterday.

B. That’s a good idea.

C. I don’t have enough time.

D. What should I do?

E. I’ll try to apologize (道歉) to her.

A: I want to get good grades.    1.     

B: Maybe you could attend after-school class on weekends.

A:  2.    I have to do my homework

on weekends.

B: Well, you could ask your friends for help.

A:  3.      

B: You should say “sorry” to your friend.

A: OK.  4.             

B: I think you shouldn’t play computer games or watch TV any more.

A:   5.     I’ll study harder and harder from now on.




1.She does well in math. (改为同义句 )

She is ________   ________ math.

2.Lucy is as old as Lily. (改为同义句 )

Lucy is ________   __________  age as Lily.

3.He said , “I like English very much.” (改为间接引语 )

He said that _______  ________ English very much .

4.They went shopping after they finished their homework. (改为同义句 )

They ________ go shopping ___________ they finished their homework.

5.They are doing morning exercises now. (用this time yesterday改写句子)

They                     morning exercises this time yesterday.

6.I will live in Shanghai in ten years.(就划线部分提问)

___________   ___________ you live in ten years?



根据句子意思及首字母提示, 写出空缺处的单词 。

1.An accident     _________   (发生)on the road yesterday.

2.He has two _____________ ( 票)  to the concert.

3.It’s a bad habit to _________ ( 抄袭) others’ homework.

4.I will be much busier next week, there will be _________(更少的) free time.

5.We don’t eat junk food and Lily doesn’t, e_____________.

6.I f_______________my Engilsh test and I was very upset.

7.We go to school every day e______________ Saturday and Sunday .

8.He looked for his dog e________ , but he couldn’t find it .



George liked flying a plane. Once he bought a small plane and learned how to fly it. He soon became so good that he could make his plane do all kinds of tricks(技巧).

George had a friend. His name was Peter. One day George said to his friend, “ Peter, would you like to have a trip in my plane?” Peter thought, “ I’ve traveled in a big plane several times, but I’ve never been in a small one, so I’ll go.”

They went up, and George flew around for half an hour and did all kinds of tricks.Peter said in a shaken voice(颤抖的声音), “ Well, George, thank you very much for these two trips in your plane.”

George was very surprised and asked, “ Two trips? ”

“Yes, my first and my last.” Answered Peter.

1.Peter ______ his friend’s plane.

A.had to fly in

B.was asked (被邀请)to have a trip in

C.was asked to fly

D.asked George to fly

2.Peter went up with George in the plane because ______ .

A.he liked traveling very much

B.George was good at flying his plane

C.he had never traveled in a small plane

D.Peter could do all kinds of flying tricks

3.They were in the plane for ______ minutes.





4.How many times did Peter travel in his friend’s small plane?



C.Three times

D.Several times

5.From the passage we know that ______ .

A.Peter thanked George for the nice trip

B.Peter thought it was wonderful to have such a trip

C.Peter felt surprised that his friend could fly so well

D.Peter was worried about his safety while George was doing tricks in the sky



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