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Parking has been a problem for drivers f...

Parking has been a problem for drivers for a long time in Taizhou. The Transportation Department(部门) is mapping out a new plan for the city’s parking system. There are about 100 thousand cars on the road inTaizhou but only enough parking space to provide room for 15 percent of these vehicles. It is no wonder that local drivers get so worried trying to find a place to park.

The number of the private(私人的) car owners is becoming lager and larger. In March, the city sent out 1,000 private car licenses, the highest number of licenses ever sent out in a month. And prices rose to over 200 yuan, 500 more than in February. Industry experts(专家) say this suggests that local people have a strong, active interest in buying cars.

By the year 2020, the number of cars in Taizhou will probably reach 200 thousand. If one parking lot is for each car, then a lot of parking space should be built for these vehicles. The center of Taizhou is most short of parking space. However, experts point out that simply building more parking lots in these areas is not practical and doesn’t solve the problem. The idea of “ Park & Ride” system has been suggested. This means that underground train and city train should be developed quickly. Drivers can leave their vehicles in car parks nearby subway(地铁) and bus stations and then they can ride public transport to go to the city center. Based on this idea, the city will cut down the number of parking lots in the city center and need higher parking fees(费用). But it will build more parking areas near main subway and bus stops.

1.The underlined phrase “ mapping out ” in the first paragraph means _____.

A. making        B. arguing          C. replying        D. comparing

2. About _____ drivers can find places to park their cars in Taizhou now.

A. 8,500         B. 10,000           C. 15,000          D. 20,000

3. What can we infer from the second paragraph?

A. The city sent out more private licenses in February.

B. Less and less people bought cars in March.

C. The city sent out less private licenses in March.

D. More and more people are going to buy cars.

4. According to the idea of a “ Park & Ride ” system, the city will _____.

A. send out more private car licenses

B. build more parking lots near bus stops

C. encourage people to buy more cars

D. build more parking areas in the city center

5.This passage is mainly about_____.

A. parking problems                  

B. heavy traffic    

C. pollution in Taizhou              

D. building more parking lots in the city center 



ACDBA 【解析】略

6ec8aac122bd4f6eDid you visit the Shanghai World Expo last summer? What impressed (给……留下印象)  you? 21st Century Kids invites four kids to talk about their experiences. They are back from the Expo. What did they bring us? Let’s see what they have to say.

I went to the SAIC-GM Pavilion (上汽集团通用汽车馆). I found my dream car there. It is a green car. Its name is “Leaf”. Chinese engineers made the car. Its roof is in the shape of a leaf. The roof takes in CO2 and changes it into electricity for the car.

The Japan Pavilion is full of high technology. The “Wonder Camera” is cool. It can find a smiling face in a crowd. When you’re smiling, it takes a photo of you. I want to invent something like that in the future.

My favorite pavilion is the Germany Pavilion. I watched the Energy Source show. Visitors made a ball swing back and forth (来回摇摆) by using only their voices. It’s amazing! Although we had waited for quite a long time before we entered the hall, I think it is well worth seeing with your own eyes.

I like painting, so my parents took me to the France Pavilion to see the famous paintings. But the French cooks caught my eye. I saw them cook. My mom told me that they are some of the best cooks in the world. The dish they cooked looked like a painting. So, being a cook is my second dream job.

1. The 21st Century Kids seems to be _____.

   A. a travel service                                     B. a newspaper 

   C. a group of tourists                D. four children

2. What does the underlined word “electricity” mean in the passage?

   A. 电            B. 汽油             C. 灯光            D. 指示

3. What activity did the writer experience in the France Pavilion?

   A. Using the “Wonder Camera”        B. Driving the green car “Leaf”.

   C. To have delicious French dishes.   D. To see cooks painting.

4. What made the ball in the Germany Pavilion swing?

   A. Visitors’ smiling faces           B. CO2 from cars

   C. Some secret power                  D. Noise made by visitors

5. The trip to the Shanghai World Expo made the four kids _____.

   A. hardworking and polite             B. amazed and frightened

   C. patient and cheerful  D. excited and curious



阅读下列内容,根据内容选择最佳答案。(40 分)


6ec8aac122bd4f6e① Draw the four number(2010) on the cardboard. It is for the glasses frame(框架).

② Draw two arms for the glasses. ③ Color the four numbers.

④ Cut out the glasses frame and arms.

⑤ Stick the arms onto the glasses.

1. According to the steps of making a pair of Paper 2010 Glasses, choose the thing you don't need.

A.  A dictionary.    B. Color pens.    

C.A knife.        D. Paper.







2. Which sentence is right according to    the sign?

   A. You are not allowed to go skateboarding(滑板运动) in this place.

B. You are allowed to go skateboarding in this place.

C. It’s a place where skateboards can be sold.

D. It’s a place where skateboards are made.


3. Which of the following services can not Lameizi provide?

A.Helping people clean their houses.

B.Cooking meals for a family.

   C.Repairing houses.

   D.  Sweep the floor.

6ec8aac122bd4f6e—taking a bath or a shower: 70-140liters(公升)

—washing clothes: 140 liters

—flushing the toilet: 18-30 liters

—drinking:2-3 liters

4. How much water does a person usually use

for drinking and washing clothes a day?

A.About 170L.        B. About 143L.        

C.About 73L.     D. About 30L.   


Age : 24-40

Careful and patient with a teacher’s license

Good at both singing and dancing

At least 3 year’s teaching experience.

Come for interview before October 16!

Address: No. 35 Riverside Road

Tel: 0734-87905543

5.Who will probably get the job?   

A.A man of 27 who is only good at singing.

   B.A man of 27 who is only good at dancing.  

C.A woman of 28 who has been a teacher for 2 years.

D.A woman teacher of 30 who is good at dancing

and singing.



完形填空  阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以入空白处的最佳选项。(15分)

    Last week Lu visited England. He stayed with my grandmother. He said it was a strange visit. “I don’t understand, but I  16  your grandmother a lot. When I arrived, I gave her a   17  from Suzhou. She looked in it and asked me to take it back. Then I saw a red spider(蜘蛛) on the table so I killed it for her and she seemed very   18  . Do English people like spiders?”

    “Later we went shopping. Someone was painting a shop   19  , so there was a ladder. Grandmother  20  me walking under it and said I must walk around it. I liked the shops and bought a smart   21  for my father and some new shoes for myself. When we got back, I put the shoes on the table and opened the umbrella to wonder   22  it was all right. Your grandmother came in and   23  !”

    “Then I broke a small   24  in the bathroom. Your grandmother’s face went white. I felt very sorry. When I left I gave   25  grandmother some flowers. She counted and there were 13. She   26  it. I think she was happy I was going.”

     I   27  to Lu, “My grandmother follows the old customs(习俗). You must not give someone an empty purse   28  they will have no money. You must not kill a “money spider”  or the same will happen. It is very unlucky to walk under a ladder and to put new shoes on the table. A(n)  29  umbrella in a house means someone will die. Breaking a mirror brings seven years’ bad luck, and 13 is   30  a very unlucky number. You were really making my grandmother very afraid. ”

1. A. affected      B. loved            C. frightened      D. encouraged

2. A. pen           B. purse            C. dress           D. handbag

3. A. honest        B. humorous         C. happy           D. unhappy

4. A. back          B. right            C. front           D. left

5. A. stopped       B. kept             C. insisted        D. suggested

6.A. wallet         B. umbrella         C. flower          D. shirt

7. A. why           B. that             C. if              D. where

8. A. laughed       B. screamed         C. clapped         D. cheered

9. A. bowl          B. bottle           C. plate           D. mirror

10.A. my            B. your             C. her             D. our

11.A. didn’t like  B. liked            C. enjoyed         D. smelt

12. A. shouted      B. talked           C. told            D. explained

13. A. but          B. for              C. or              D. so

14. A open          B. closed           C. new             D. old

15. A. hardly       B. never            C. seldom          D. also




—Could you tell me_____?

   —No problem.

A. when shall we go to meet our favourite TV star

B. how should we deal with the problem

C. what “Take care” means

D. what time it was




—I went to see you yesterday evening. But you weren’t in. Where were you then?

  —I_____ a walk by the lake with my husband.

A. was having     B. am having       C. have had        D. have




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