满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

–How soon can you finish the work? --We...

 –How soon can you finish the work?

  --We can finish it in 20 minutes if we have one more person ________ us.

   A. to help          B. helps        C. helped          D. helping


A 【解析】略

–Nancy is an honest girl. She never tells a lie, ______?

  --No, she doesn’t. We can trust her all the time.

   A. doesn’t she      B. isn’t she      C. does she        D. is she



 –Have you heard of the big fire last night?

  --Yes. The firemen struggled against it for about 35 minutes and _______ the fire at last.

   A. gave up         B. gave out      C. put out         D. put up



 The students all looked ______ at me when I told them that they would have one more day off.

A. sad            B. sadly            C. happy          D. happily



 –Is the modern racing car outside ______, Lucia?

  --Of course not. Nobody but Jim can afford such an expensive car. It must belong to ______.

   A. your, his       B. yours, he        C. your, him        D. yours, him



 –How can I improve my study in the last thirty days?

  --________ listening to the teacher carefully in class. This is the most efficient way!

   A. By           B. On           C. Past         D. Across



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