满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1.The girl can speak English.(改为一般疑问句) _...


1.The girl can speak  English.(改为一般疑问句)

_____________the girl________________English  ?

2.Tom often studies in the library.(改为否定句)

  Tom_________________often_____________________________in the library.

3.My parents clean the house on Sundays  (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

_____________your parents_______________________________the house on Sundays?

N0 ,________________________________________   _____________________________.

4.His father is a teacher.His mother is a teacher,too.(改为同义句)

  His_________________   ____________________   __________________________.

5 There are some old boxes on the desk.(改为单数)

  There is________________________old________________________on  the desk.

6.Lily gets up at 6:00 in the morning.(对画线部分提问)

_______________lily____________up in the morning?

7.This is a green car.(改为复数形式)

 _________________  ______________________green_________________________.


1.Can speak 2.doesn’t study  3.Do clean they don’t 4.parents are teachers         5.an box 6.What time does get 7.There are cars 【解析】略


I  have a good friend.  1  name is Peter.We study in Beijing Sunshine Secondary Schoo1.We are in the same(同一个)class.He sits in front of  2  .His favourite lesson is Music.He    3  many CDs.He likes   4   music very much.He likes playing football,t00.After school we  often   play  football in the   5   .He is very helpful.We often help each    6  .

Peter  is  not a Chinese.He is from    7    .He comes to Beijing   8    his family.His father is  a doctor and his mother is a nurse.They work from Monday         9    Friday.At weekends,his mother  likes shopping and his father likes fishing.Sometimes they go to the park.They all like Chinese  food.They     lO    very happy.

1.A.He    B.His    C.She

2.A.I    B.my    C.me

3. A.have    B.has    C.there is

4.A.1isten    B.1isten to    c.1istening to

5.A.classroom    B.library    c.playground

6.A.one    B.other    C.others

7.A.England    B.Chinese    C.Eng]ish

8. A. from    B.on    C.with

9.A in    B.to    C.with

10. A.be    B.am    C.are



 I want___________ the music club

    A.join    B.to  join    C.joins



Miss Wei often helps us______our English.

    A.at    B.in   C.with



一Is that your book?    一Yes___________.

    A.it  is    B.it   isn’t    C.it’s



I__________two baseballs and my friend  five baseballs.

    A.have;have    B.have;has    C.has;have



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