满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

In the United States, it is important to...

In the United States, it is important to be on time, for a date, a class, a meeting, etc. However, this is not true in all countries. Mr. Moster, an American professor, arrived at the classroom on time on the first day in Brazil, but no one was in the classroom. Many students came after 10 am. Several arrived after 10:30 am. Although all the students greeted the professor as they arrived, few students felt sorry for their lateness.

The professor talked to the Brazilian students about lateness and found something surprising. If the Brazilian students had a lunch date with a friend, most of them felt the friends were late for about half an hour.

In an American university, classes not only begin on time, but always end on time. On the other hand, in Brazil, neither the teachers nor the students arrive at the starting time. Arriving late may not be very important in Brazil.

As a result of his study, the professor learned that the Brazilian students were not being impolite. So he was able to understand and felt comfortable in the new culture.


1.  It is important to be on time in America.

2.  Many Brazilian students felt sorry for their lateness.

3.  In Brazil, teachers are usually on time while students are usually late.

4.  The professor felt uncomfortable about students’ lateness after his study.

The article tells us different countries have different cultures.


TFFFT 【解析】



I’m looking for a pen pal who likes music. I live in Germany.Please write to me:Colin, PO Box, 134, Bonn, Germany


Do you like animals? Do you have pets? I have a lovely pet dog. Anyone who has the same interest as me can write to me:Thanh Chu, 678 Tok Chi Road, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.


I’m interested in movies and swimming. I’m from Spain and I can speak a little English. Please write to me: Sophia, 643 Calle, Spain.

4. ______________

I’d like to write to a Chinese girl to practice Chinese and want to know more about Chinese culture. Please write to me:Cathy, Flat 4,105 Fifth Avenue, New York, US.

5. _______________

Hello, I’m Simon from the U.K. My hobby is playing chess. I hope to have friends who can beat me in chess on line. My e-mail:sunny@Hotmail.com


A. Gao Lin is good at playing chess and he came first in the City Chess Competition last year.

B. Li Wei likes animals. He keeps some pets and he is very kind to them.

C. Wu Tong majors in Chinese history in a university. She wants to communicate with foreign friends about Chinese culture.

D. Zhang Rui can speak a little Spanish and English. In her free time, she likes swimming and watching movies.

E. Liang Chen is a music lover. She wants to have a foreign friend who speaks German.



One day, Mr Read and his son Robert were going out for a walk. He put on a pair of shoes together with a pair of different socks, one white and one yellow. As he came out of his house, his son noticed the colors of his father’s socks and said, “You’ve put on two different socks, Dad.” When he heard this, he looked at his socks and found that his son was right. He was happy and said to himself, “What a clever son I have got!” Then he asked his son to go back to the house to get another pair of socks for him. When the son went back to his house, all he could find was one white sock and one yellow sock. Robert then took the socks to his father and said, “It’s no use changing. These socks at home are also different, one yellow and one white.” Mr Read agreed with his son and they went out for a walk.


1.  Mr Read put on a pair of different shoes before he went out for a walk.

2.  The socks were yellow and white.

3.  Robert found a pair of socks for his father.

4.  They went back home to change socks.

Mr. Read was a smart man.



The sun went down when an old man came to a small mountain village with a heavy bag. He found an inn(小旅馆) and wanted to stay there for the night.

After he had gone to his room, the owner of the inn said to his wife, “Look at his heavy bag, dear! I’m sure there’re a lot of valuable(贵重的) things. I want to steal it when he’s asleep tonight.” “No, no,” said his wife. “He must look for his bag tomorrow morning. Then he’ll take you to the police station.”

They thought hard and at last the woman had an idea. “We have forgetful grass,” said the woman. “Why not put some into his food? If he has the food, he’ll forget to take his bag away tomorrow morning.” “How clever you are!” said the owner, “don’t forget it when you cook supper for him.”

The old man had the food with forgetful grass and went to bed. The next morning, when the owner got up, he found the door was open and the old man had left. He looked for the bag for a long time, but he didn’t find it. He hurried to wake his wife up and said angrily, “What a fool! Your forgetful grass isn’t useful at all!”

“No, no,” said the woman. “I don’t think so. He must forget something.”

“Oh, I’ve remembered!” the owner called out suddenly, “He forgot to pay us the bill!”

1. The old man carried __________ when he got into the inn.

    A. a large camera                   B. a heavy bag

    C. an umbrella                    D. a heavy basket

2. What did the owner want to do?  _________________

    A. He wanted to call the police.         

 B. He wanted to kill the old man.

    C. He wanted to steal the old man’s bag.

  D. He wanted to invite the old man to dinner.

3. The old woman put _____________ into the old man’s food.

    A. some sleeping pills           B. some pepper

    C. some beef                 D. forgetful grass

4. The next morning the owner found ____________.

    A. the old man left his bag in the inn   B. the bag was still there

    C. the old man had died         D. the old man had gone with his bag

5. The old man forgot to __________________.

    A. pay the owner the bill                B. take his bag

    C. look at the time                   D. say goodbye to the owner




A. achieve    B. come true   C. help   D. On   E. something  F. call on

G. called      H. to     I. who   J. everything    K. of    L. where




Do you know this story?   1   July 11 of every year, a local office of Project Hope receives a donation from a person    2    Xu Qin. But investigation (调查) shows that Xu Qin died in1994.

Xu Qin was Liu Wenzhen’s youngest daughter. She died in a traffic accident on July 11, 1994. Ever since, Liu Wenzhen has been in the habit of making a donation    3   Project Hope on that date to commemorate (纪念) her daughter’s death.

What has Mrs Liu done is simply helping to    4   her daughter’s dream. “I have always dreamed    5   becoming a teacher in the countryside because that is    6    my father lived,” Xu Qin once said.

Project Hope is built to    7    children to be able to go to school. Many people make a commitment to the project all over the world. In China the project began in 1985.

As a student, we can also do    8   to support this project. We may save our money and donate it to Project Hope. Maybe we can teach those children    9   can’t go to school some day. We can also    10    others to do something for the project.






A: Hi. Bill! You’re reading the novel again.

B: Yes, Tom. I’ll never be tired of it.

A: (1) ______________ have you read it?

B: Three times. Every time I read it, I can always learn something new.

A: Really? (2) _________________________

B: Charles Dickens. I think he is a great English writer.

A: He is also my (3)________ foreign writer. Please let me have a look at it.

B: OK, here you are! … What do you think of it?

A: I think(4)__________________. I haven’t seen such a good novel for long. Where did you buy it?

B: In the Rose Bookshop.

A: I don't know where it is. (5) _________________

B: No. Only ten minutes’ walk from here, next to the People’s Cinema.



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