满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Each of the following sentences has four...

Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts labeled A , B , C and D . Identify the part that is incorrect . (5分)

1. What wonderful the film is ! Shall we see it again ?

   A                    B        C          D     

2. ---How did you get to that farm ? ---By my mother’s red car .

      A      B      C                     D

3. He decided to returned home as soon as he finished school .

       A        B     C               D

4. ---What are you doing in this weekend ?

       A                  B

  --- I haven’t made up my mind . Tell me about your plan , please .

          C                                            D

5. They live in the restaurant for the night everyday .

   A       B                    C             D



ADBBD 【解析】

Multiple choice. (5分)

1. He mustn’t ________ a car _________.

A drives, dangerously     B drive, dangerous

C drive, dangerously      D drives, dangerous

2. Look! The boy is standing against the wall ______the corner of the room.

A in     B at     C on    D around

3. That teacher usually ________ her English class _________ dictation.

A begin, for      B begins, of     C begins, with      D beginning, with

4. She started so early that she _____ the train in time .

 A. can catch   B. catches   C. could catch   D. will catch

5. Go straight along this road _____ turn right at the traffic lights.

A until      B but     C and     D or



 Give the spelling of the following according to the meaning . (5分)

1. a________ : a business that serves other businesses .

2. c________ : someone who pays for goods or services .

3. c________ : money in the form of bills or coins .

4. s________ : plan or list of times when something will happen , be done .

5. b________ : a woman who has recently been married .

6. v________ : a pleasant house with a garden in the country or used for holidays

7. d________: the space between two places

8.p__________:quiet and calm;  

9.p_________: sort of oil that makes car engines go 

10.d________:is the general line that someone or something is moving or pointing in




Mike 是一名志愿者,他喜欢画画, 经常到希望小学志愿教那里的学生画画.但是他现在没有钱参加他的美术班了, 作为他的朋友, 请你给他发一个e-mail.就他现在面临的问题帮他想出一些办法使他摆脱困境,并谈一下你对志愿者工作和帮助他人的看法.

要求:1. 注意格式。

      2. 语句通顺,书写工整。

      3. 可以用所提示的词语,也可以适当发挥。

      4. 字数:60-80字。

提示词语:tell the teacher about the problem, put up signs or hand out advertisements asking for painting jobs, volunteering, great









(A) 你乐于助人吗?下面是从校园杂志上摘取的有关这方面的一段文字,请根据上下文,完成短文,每空一词.(5分)

We sometimes have a special day to help others. ___1___ month we went to an old people’s home. We bought lots of delicious ___2___ for the old people. We also ___3____ some songs. The old people were very happy. We should volunteer our time to do things like that more often. ___4____ others is also helping ourselves. Do you ___5____ so?




Perhaps once you got free plastic bags when you shopped at the supermarket. But now things have changed already.

   Since June 1, 2008, China has banned(禁止) its shops and supermarkets providing free plastic bags. Shoppers have to pay for bags if they need them. “We hope it will encourage people to use cloth bags and baskets for their vegetables,” said a spokesman from the Chinese government. “Plastic bags have led to a big waste of energy and on the other hand, they pollute(污染) the air, rivers and soil. It takes around 1000 years for the bags to break down. They are also dangerous to wildlife, which eats them without knowing.”

  A large number of Chinese people have begun to make their own cloth bags. Li Linwei, a student in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, made a bag out of an old dress of her mother’s. “ I have given it to my grandmother as a Mother’s Day present. From now on, she will use it when she goes shopping.” said the girl.


1. Since what time, supermarkets have been stopped from providing free plastic bags?

2. Without free plastic bags, what will people use when they go shopping according to the


3. Do plastic bags pollute the environment?

4. How long will it take the plastic bags to break down?

5. What present did Li Linwei give her grandmother on Mother’s Day?



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