满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Yesterday, when I went past the classroo...

Yesterday, when I went past the classroom, I _______ someone _______.

A. hear, singing    B. heard, singing   C. heard, sang  D. hear, sang


B 【解析】略

—What color is the bike?

—It’s _______ orange.

A. an                  B. a                C. /               D. the



Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts labeled A , B , C and D . Identify the part that is incorrect . (5分)

1. What wonderful the film is ! Shall we see it again ?

   A                    B        C          D     

2. ---How did you get to that farm ? ---By my mother’s red car .

      A      B      C                     D

3. He decided to returned home as soon as he finished school .

       A        B     C               D

4. ---What are you doing in this weekend ?

       A                  B

  --- I haven’t made up my mind . Tell me about your plan , please .

          C                                            D

5. They live in the restaurant for the night everyday .

   A       B                    C             D




Multiple choice. (5分)

1. He mustn’t ________ a car _________.

A drives, dangerously     B drive, dangerous

C drive, dangerously      D drives, dangerous

2. Look! The boy is standing against the wall ______the corner of the room.

A in     B at     C on    D around

3. That teacher usually ________ her English class _________ dictation.

A begin, for      B begins, of     C begins, with      D beginning, with

4. She started so early that she _____ the train in time .

 A. can catch   B. catches   C. could catch   D. will catch

5. Go straight along this road _____ turn right at the traffic lights.

A until      B but     C and     D or



 Give the spelling of the following according to the meaning . (5分)

1. a________ : a business that serves other businesses .

2. c________ : someone who pays for goods or services .

3. c________ : money in the form of bills or coins .

4. s________ : plan or list of times when something will happen , be done .

5. b________ : a woman who has recently been married .

6. v________ : a pleasant house with a garden in the country or used for holidays

7. d________: the space between two places

8.p__________:quiet and calm;  

9.p_________: sort of oil that makes car engines go 

10.d________:is the general line that someone or something is moving or pointing in




Mike 是一名志愿者,他喜欢画画, 经常到希望小学志愿教那里的学生画画.但是他现在没有钱参加他的美术班了, 作为他的朋友, 请你给他发一个e-mail.就他现在面临的问题帮他想出一些办法使他摆脱困境,并谈一下你对志愿者工作和帮助他人的看法.

要求:1. 注意格式。

      2. 语句通顺,书写工整。

      3. 可以用所提示的词语,也可以适当发挥。

      4. 字数:60-80字。

提示词语:tell the teacher about the problem, put up signs or hand out advertisements asking for painting jobs, volunteering, great









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