满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话。 A.They d...


A.They didn’t even look at us.

B.No. You love them as before.

C.Yes, it was great!

D.What’s the matter?

E.Were they friendly to you?

F.You once loved them so much.

G.Yes, I did.

A:Was the concert good?

B:  1.  

A:Why are you angry then?   2. 

B:Well, after the concert I waited outside the theatre in the rain. I wanted their autographs.

A:Did you see them?

B: 3. 

A:Did they talk to you?

B:No, they didn’t. They didn’t wave. They didn’t smile. They didn’t say hello.  4.  They just jumped into a big, black car and then disappeared.

A:  5.

B:Yes. But that was yesterday.


1.C 2.D 3.G 4.A 5.F 【解析】略


1.It takes me 20 minutes to walk from my home to the gym. (同义句转换)

It’s about 20 __________ __________ from my home to the gym.

2.You can take the books out of the reading-room.(改为被动语态)

Books can __________  __________ out of the reading-room.

3.Doing chores makes him bored. (对划线部分提问)

___________  ___________ doing chores make him feel?

4.I don’t think he is a doctor, ___________ ____________?  (反义疑问句)


He was __________ tired __________ he fell asleep on the bus.



You’ve probably known the crazy traffic in Beijing. Sometimes the cars could hardly move for a long time. The terrible traffic is caused by the poor road and China’s ability to cope with (对付) so many cars on the road at the same time.

With more Chinese people buying cars every day, the problem seems to only get worse. But a design company called Shenzhen Hashi Future Parking Equipment has a possible solution: the super bus.

The super bus would carry up to 1,400 people in its passenger compartment (隔间). It would travel on a rail system that would be elevated (升高的) above the roads, so cars could drive under it. The bus will run on electricity and solar power, creating far less pollution than that from the cars it would be replacing (代替).

Beijing authorities haven’t decided whether to create railways for the super bus throughout the city. But they are willing to give it a test drive. Later 2010, the company will test for the first time and in 2011 and 2012, the company will test the super bus with passengers.

According to the government, Beijing is probably to have five million cars on the road by the end of 2010. So it seems to be necessary to start taking the bus instead soon.

1.__________ caused the terrible traffic in Beijing.

A. The drivers         B. The roads        C. The buses      D. The government

2.__________ cars will be on the road by the end of 2010.

A. 1,400 million       B. 2,000 million    C. 5 million      D. 50 million

3.What is Shenzhen Hashi Future Parking Equipment?

A. It is an interesting park.              B. It is a super bus.

C. It is a kind of equipment.              D. It is a design company.

4.Which is TRUE about the super bus according to the passage?

A. The super bus will travel above the roads.

B. The super bus will produce more pollution.

C. The super bus will only hold several people.

D. The super bus is very small.



Can you imagine a classroom without one thing that has long been considered a necessary part? No notebooks, no textbooks, no test papers. Nor are there any pencils or pens, which always seem to run out of ink at the critical moment.

A “Paperless classroom” is what more and more schools are trying to realize. Students don’t do any handwriting in this class. Instead, they use hand-sized or specially-designed computers. The teacher downloads texts from Internet libraries and sends them to every student’s personal computer.

Having computers also means that students can use the Web. They can look up information on any subject they’re studying, from maths to social science.

A high school teacher, Judy Herrel in Florida, US, described how her class used the Web. “Using a book that’s three or four years old is impossible,” she said.

A paperless classroom is a big step towards reducing the waste of paper.

“Think about the money and trees we could save with the computers,” she said.

But, with all this technology, there’s always a risk that the machines will break down. So, in case of a power failure or a technical problem, paper textbooks should still be widely available (可得到的) for these students.

1.The underlined word “critical” in the first paragraph probably has the same meaning as _______.

A. worrying            B. dangerous        C. happy          D. important

2.You are sure to find __________ in a paperless classroom.

A. pens                B. computers        C. test papers    D. notebooks

3.According to Judy Herrel, __________.

A. the Web can talk the students everywhere

B. the Web can take the place of teachers

C. the Web is a better tool for information

D. the Web is for downloading information

4.The paper textbooks should still be widely available because __________.

A. students won’t have trouble with their pens

B. computers may break down sometimes

C. students may not get all information from the Internet

D. paper textbooks may give students more information



The world is not only hungry but also thirsty for water. This may seem strange to you, since nearly 70% of the earth’s surface is covered with water. But about 97% of that is sea water or salt water. Man can only drink and use the other 3% of fresh water from rivers, lakes, underground and so on. And we can not even use all of that because some of it has been made dirty.

Earth Day is April 22. But on all other days, we must also remember how important water is. The water that we use is the most important natural resource on the earth. Today we face serious water problems. One of them is water pollution. All kinds of things from cars, factories, farms and homes make our rivers, lakes and oceans dirty. Polluted water is very bad for people to drink. And dirty water is bad for fish, too.

How do cars and factories make our water dirty? First they pollute the air. Then when it rains, the rain water makes our drinking water dirty. Dirty rain, called acid rain is also bad for plants, animals and buildings. Scientists say that in 30 years, more than half of the people in the world won’t have enough clean water. We have to learn how to stop wasting water. One of the first steps is to develop ways of reusing it. Today in most large cities, water is used only once and then sent out into a sewer system (下水道). From there it returns to the sea or goes underground.

But even though every large city reused its water, we would still not have enough. So we should make use of sea water by removing the salt in it. If we can take these steps, fresh water won’t be used up.

1.The world is thirsty for water because _______.

A. we don’t have enough fresh water      B. a lot of water goes into sewer systems

C. only 70% of the earth’s surface is water                  D. sea water is widely used rather than fresh water

2.From this passage, we know acid rain _______.

A. is only bad for living things       B. is not bad for buildings and factories

C. can be produced in factories        D. is bad for people, animals, plants and buildings

3.One difficult way we can solve the problem is to _______.

A. use the water with salt in it           B. remove the salt from sea water

C. get water from underground              D. reuse the water in cities

4.What is the best title for this passage?

A. Fresh water and sea water               B. A thirsty country

C. The importance of water  D. The world’s water problem



Do you want to be the most popular person in the class? You don’t need to change your character; you just need to improve your personality (人格). In fact, people trust and love the most popular people because they stay normal but still have something that makes them different from the rest of us. Here are some pieces of advice about becoming the most popular person in the class.

◆If you want others to like and respect (尊重) you, you have to start by liking and accepting yourself. Do not change yourself in order to please others.

◆Be helpful to everyone and do it happily. Being nice to people is almost like helping them, because by being nice you make others happy.

◆Be active and have a positive view towards life. Develop confidence in yourself.

◆Stay clean and wear fresh clothes. Do not try to follow fashion to please others.

◆Big words and power cannot bring you respect. You have to get it by being honest. It also helps your personal growth. You must be a person that can be trusted to get respect.

1.If you want to become the most popular person, you should __________.

A. improve your personality                B. trust and please others

C. change your character                   D. make yourself different from others

2.According to the article, __________ can bring you respect.

A. following fashion                       B. using big words

C. being honest and helpful                D. saying hello to others every day

3.The underlined sentence shows that __________.

A. you should be polite when you help others                 B. you should make yourself happy[

C. we can help others only by being happy   D. you should always be nice to others



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