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In the 1500s, South American fishermen s...

In the 1500s, South American fishermen said that the sea became warmer every few years. They gave this special event a Spanish name 'El Nino', meaning 'the baby'. It is called 'the baby' because it arrives around Christmas.

El Nino is a huge area of warm water in the middle of cold water in the Pacific Ocean. It happens every two to seven years. It moves around the ocean and becomes bigger and smaller at different times. This warm water affects the weather. It is always raining over El Nino. El Nino contains a lot of energy. Scientists think this energy is formed when wind comes from the northern half of the world. The winds blow across warm sea water in the south. When the strong wind hits the warm water, violent weather happens. Scientists think that El Nino existed for many thousands of years.

El Nino affects every person in the world because it affects the entire world's weather. It can bring the rain that farmers need. It can bring storms that destroy homes. It can mean that fishermen cannot catch fish, and it can bring floods. There is nothing we can do about El Nino. It is an event of nature. We can help the world's weather by trying to stop the greenhouse effect and air pollution. The most important job for scientists is to learn how to predict when El Nino is going to bring dangerous weather. Then, people can try to prepare for storms, floods and droughts. New technology like satellite pictures and temperature measuring equipment can help. Still, it is very hard to say when or where El Nino will cause damage.

1.El Nino is ______.

A) a storm that hits every two years            B) a huge area of warm water

C) a wind from the south                    D) some cold water in the Pacific Ocean

2. It happens ______.

A) every year                              B) every month

C) every seven years                        D) every two to seven years

3.El Nino ______.

A) makes the weather better                   B) affects the weather

C) gives the weather energy                   D) predicts the weather

4.It is always______ over EI Nino.

A) sunny             B) cloudy             C) rainy                D) windy

5.El Nino affects ______.

A) everybody                               B) just farmers

C) only fishermen                            D) only students

6. We can help the world's weather by______.

A) finding out more about El Nino               B) being careful during the floods

C) driving cars                               D) stopping the greenhouse effect

7.______helps to predict El Nino.

A) Looking out of the window                 B) Checking the weather each day

C) Satellite pictures                          D) New boats


1.B 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.C 【解析】略

True or False (判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用"T"表示,不符合的用"F"表示):(7分)

Richard is an exchange student from the USA. He is teaching his friends at Rose Garden School how to play Softball. He is explaining the rules.

Richard:     First, we need a bat, a ball and some bases.

Ben:        What are bases?

Richard:     They are flat squares that show you where to run. After you hit the ball, you have to run around the bases.

If you stand on a base, you are safe. If you are running to a base, and the other team touches the base with the ball, then you are out.

Jennifer:     Oh, I see. How would I hit the ball?

Richard:     Have you seen baseball on television?

Jennifer:     I have.

Richard:     Well, Softball is like baseball, only the ball is bigger and softer too.

Jennifer:     Do you like volleyball? I love it.

Richard:     I like to play beach volleyball. It's different from volleyball.

Ben:        How?

Richard:     In beach volleyball, you only have two people on each team and the court is smaller.                                                                         

Jennifer:     Do you play on the beach?

Richard:     Yes. It’s good because if you dive for the ball, you don’t hurt yourself.

Ben:        Do you play football at your school?

Richard:     Which kind of football?

Jennifer:     I don't understand there more than one kind? I thought everyone play the same kind of football.

Richard:     No. In the USA, we have football and soccer. Soccer is a game that is played around the world.

In other countries, soccer is called football. In the USA, we also play a different game called football.

In this game, you throw the ball and you have to wear a helmet to play.

Jennifer:     Well, I want to play softball.


1. The rules for playing softball are nearly the same as those for playing baseball.

2.In a softball game, if your team is running to a base and the other team touches the base with the ball, you are safe.

3.A baseball is smaller and harder than a softball.

4.Richard is teaching his friends how to play softball.

5. According to Richard, playing beach volleyball is much more dangerous than playing volleyball.

6. Jennifer thought that the word 'football' had only one meaning.

7.In the USA, 'soccer' is also called 'football'.



Review the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词):(共12分)

1.Uncle Li used to go fishing in a small pond. (改为否定句)

 Uncle Li _________ _________to go fishing in a small pond.

2.The government has made some plans to improve our world. (改为被动语态)

 Some plans _________ _________made to improve our world by the government. 

3.His mother cooked very delicious dishes for us. (改感叹句)

 _________ _________dishes his mother cooked for us!

4. Grandma will finish the sweater in three days. (对划线部分提问)

_________ _________will Grandma finish the sweater?

5.The water is polluted so seriously that we can't drink it. (保持句意不变)

The water is polluted _________seriously for us _________drink.

6. Could you tell me how I should take the medicine?(改简单句)

Could you tell me _________ _________take the medicine?



Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子):(共8分)

1. Humans have five___________: sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch. (sense)

2.This building was ___________the History Museum of the state. (one)

3.We can develop ___________reading ability through reading a page of English every day. (we)

4.  Kodak film is retired. It was one of the most ____________ colour films in the world. (succeed)

5.You should think twice before you make a___________. (decide)

6.It's important to obey traffic rules to keep ourselves__________. (save)

7. It's common knowledge that oil doesn't __________t with water, (mixture)

8. It's ___________a good idea to go group-buying, especially when prices go up like a rocket! (real)



I ________do e-shopping at home than go to the department store.

A) would rather          B) would like        C) had better              D) prefer



Do you know nearly ________of our body is water?

A) three-quarter         B) three quarters      C) three fourth             D) three fourths



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