满分5 > 初中英语试题 >





1.       遵守交通规则,如走人行道/过斑马线。

2.       别在街道上或马路上玩耍和踢球。

3.       劝父母不能酒后驾车。


参考词汇:sidewalk 人行道 zebra-crossing 斑马线


With more and more cars coming into our families,we are happy that it has greatly improved our life.But unluckily,it has also brought many problems,such as heavy traffic and traffic accidents.


Traffic safety is everybody's business. We must obey the rules. For example ,we must walk on walk side .when we cross zebra – crossing ,stop and look right and left ,then go across fast. Don’t play football on the road .we can tell our parents not to drink before they drive, not to run through red lights, not to talk and laugh while driving etc. We can say cars are coming into our life, but only when everybody thinks traffic safety is everybody's business can we be safe driving on roads and walking on sidewalks. 【解析】 略


1.There are many people are playing basketball these._________  ___________

2.Could you tell me the different between the two books.__________  ___________

3.It was my grandpa’s eighty birthday yesterday._____________  _______________

4.Bady,it’s very lazy for you to sleep late every morning.__________  ___________

5.I wrote an 800-word’s composition yesterday.___________  ___________

6.The fish we caught is still living.__________  ___________

7.The Great Wall is one of the most famous building all over the world._______  ______

8.If Tom will study hard this term,he will catch up with his classmates.________  ________



1.Our beautiful classroom ________(clean) every day.

2.In order to improve Mary’s self-confidence,her teacher asked her to look at ________(she)in a mirror every morning and say “I’m the best. ”

3.She was very ________(happy) to fail the final exam.

4.Here are _________(tomato) noodles.They smell good!

5.Trust him!He has no difficulty _______(work) out the problem.

6.Ceaners clean the street every day.Their work is _________(true) common.

7.More and more people all over thd country are worried about food _______(safe).

8.Windy does ________(badly) is P.E. than me.



In the 1930s a young traveler was climbing the French Alps(法国阿尔卑斯山).He arrived at big piece of land without living things.It was ugly.It was the kind of place you hurry away from.

Then,suddenly,the young traveler stopped on the way.In the middle of this large land there was an old man.On his back was a bag of seeds.In his land was an iron pipe(铁管).

The man used the iron pipe to make a hole in the ground.Then from the bag he took a seed and put it in the hole.He did this again and again.

Later the old man told the traveler,“I’ve planted over 100,00 seeds.Perhaps only a tenth of them will grow.”

The old man’s wife and son had died,and this was how he chose to spend his final years.

“I want to do something useful,”he said.

(1)二十年以后那个年轻的游客已不再年轻。 He retutned to the place.What he saw amazed him.He could mot believe his eyes.The land was covered with a beautiful forest two miles wide and five miles long.Birds were singing,animals were playing,and wild flowers were here and there.

(2)The traveler stood there remembering the lifeless picture of the place that it once was.A beautiful forest stood there now,all because someone cared.

1.Why did the ola man plant seeds?_____________________________________________

2.How many seeds did the old man think could grow,all of them or only some?___________

3.What amazed the young traveler when he returned to the place?______________________





Hands play an importanty part in our daily life.But do you know which of your two hadns you use more?Very few people use both hands epually well.Most of us are right-handed.Only about five people out of a hundred are left-handed.New-born babies can take hold of things with either of their hands,but in about two years they usually use their right hands.Scientists don’t know why this happens.

Monkeys are our close relatives in the animal world.Scientists have found that monkeys like to use one of their hands more than the other,but it can be either hand.There are as many right-handed monkeys as left-handed ones.Next time you visit a zoo,watch the monkeys carefully,you will see that some of them will use their right hands and others will use their left hands.But most of the people use their right hands better and this makes life difficult for those left-hadned people.We live in a right-handed world.

1.How many people among 100 people use their left hands better?

A.5%.                   B.50%.                C.95%.

2.What’s the meaning of the underlined word “equally” in Chinese?

A.公正地              B.均等地               C.平凡地

3.New-born babies can use __________.

A.both of their hands    B.neither of their hands    C.their right hands

4.Which of the following is true?

A.There are more monkeys using their right hands than left hands.

B.There are more monkeys using their left hands than right hands.

C.There are as many right-handed monkeys as left-handed ones.

5.“We live in a right-handed world.”means __________.

A.Most people use their right hands better.

B.Few people use their right hands better.

C.Half of the people use their right hands better.






Class:Junior 3

Student’s progress report:My exam results are good in all subjects and I am very pleased about this because I did a lot of revision.My best results were in my favourite subjects,physics and chemistry,I know I am good at them and I enjoy dong scientific experiments.

Teacher’s report:Sara is an intelligent,hardworking student with an excellent attitude(态度) to her schoolwork.She is quite shy and should be encouraged to join school clubs and afterschool activities.




Class:Junior 3

Student’s progress report:I am happy because my exam results are a lot better than they were last term.I love computers and computer games and my best grades were in Information Technology.I would love to be a computer programmer but I don’t know if I’m clever enough.But I wouli like to do work with computers.The other thing I’m really interested in is languages.I enjoy learning English and find translation quite easy.

Teacher’s report:Steve is a lively and popular student who has made much progress this term.However,he needs to be mor serious and organised if he wants to become a computer programmer.He should get good results in math.Steve’s Enhlish has improved a lot.Perhaps he should consider becoming an English teacher.

1.Who did a lot of work for the exams?

A.Sara.             B.Steve.             C.Both.

2.Sara enjoys _________.

A.playing computer games.

B.doing scientific experiments

C.learning English

3.The teacher thinks Steve needs to ____________.

A.improve his math     B.learn English better     C.play more cmputer games

4.In the teacher’s opinion,Steve should be __________.

A.a scientist           B.an English teacher       C.a comptuer programmer

5.Which of the following activities is the most suitable to improve Sara?

A.Playing computer games.  B.Watching TV.     C.Playing basketball.



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